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Box B13  The  ognitive Abilities oo  ish  245  is a dawn and dusk chorus underwater as   ing  fish  from  the  wild.  There  is  no  doubt,
                                                      however, that fish are highly intelligent ani-
             there is in terrestrial ecosystems. Experiments
                                                      mals  and  their  behaviour  suggests  they  are
             using benthic sharks have shown that they
             can be trained to associate the sound of bub-  sentient. To gain an unbiased account of pain
             bles and the arrival of food, but they cannot   perception it is wise to turn to evolutionary
             associate flashing lights and food (Guttridge   theory (Brown 2017). It is clear from com-
             and Brown 2014). This is undoubtedly     parative physiology and molecular studies
             because these sharks do not readily rely on   that the pain receptors in humans are almost
             vision while foraging so light does not make a   identical to those found in fish. This should
             very good conditioning stimulus.         come as no surprise because we inherited
               While fish can also use electroreception to   them from our fishy ancestors. Similarly the
             sample the world, and even navigate, there is   hormones involved in stress responses are
             very little by way of research in this area. We   very similar across all vertebrates. It would
             do know, however, that many species of knife   be fair to surmise that pain and stress in all
             fish find prey, navigate, and communicate   vertebrates is a very similar and highly con-
             with one another by sending  out pulses of   served phenomenon (Brown 2015). While
             electricity into the water much in the way   there are those who argue that the psycho-
             that dolphins use sonar.                 logical aspect of pain may differ between ani-
               The question of whether fish feel pain and   mals, this is also highly unlikely since the
             respond to stress as we do has been an issue   physical detection and emotional response to
             of heated debate (Brown 2015). The main   pain evolved side‐by‐side with the expressed
             reason for the opposition is largely because   outcome  being  the  long‐term  avoidance  of
             of the huge commercial interests in harvest-  potentially dangerous stimuli (Brown 2015).


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               behaviour in the Gobiid fish Bathygobis   mechanisms enhance escape responses in
               soporator. American Museum Novitates     shoals of rainbowfish, Melanotaenia
               1486: 1–22.                              duboulayi. Environmental Biology of Fishes
             Brown, C. (2015). Fish intelligence, sentience   56 (4): 455–459.
               and ethics. Animal Cognition 18: 1–17.  Bshary, R. and Brown, C. (2014). Fish
             Brown, C. (2017). A risk assessment and    cognition. Current Biology 24: R947–R950.
               phylogenetic approach. Animal Sentience:   Dittman, A. and Quinn, T. (1996). Homing in
               An Interdisciplinary Journal on Animal   Pacific salmon: mechanisms and ecological
               Feeling 2 (16): 3.                       basis. Journal of Experimental Biology 199:
             Brown, G. and Chivers, D. (2006). Learning   83–91.
               about danger: chemical alarm cues and the   Fuss, T., Bleckmann, H., and Schluessel, V.
               assessment of predation risk by fishes. In:   (2014). The brain creates illusions not just for
               Fish Cognition and Behaviour, Fish and   us: sharks (Chiloscyllium griseum) can see the
               Aquatic Resources Series (eds. C. Brown, K.   magic too. Frontiers in Neural Circuits 8: 24.
               Laland and J. Krause), 49–69. Blackwell   Guttridge, T. and Brown, C. (2014). Learning
               Publishing.                              and memory in the Port Jackson shark,
             Brown, C. and Laland, K. (2011). Social    Heterodontus portusjacksoni. Animal
               learning in fishes. In: Fish Cognition and   Cognition 17: 415–425.
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               Krause), 240–257. Wiley Blackwell.       generates social learning of foraging
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