Page 275 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 275
Part C
More Than A to B: How Zoo Animal Training Programmes
Can Impact Zoo Operations and Missions
From Part A we understand the principles by think they are or should be. Implementing
which animal learning can be achieved. From training programmes can have repercussions
Part B we have learnt how zoos can support beyond the goal behaviours being trained.
and facilitate learning and training. However, This section of the book focuses on zoo oper-
providing animals with learning opportuni- ations and how they might be impacted by
ties or implementing training programmes is adopting a training programme. Discussions
not always as simple as training an animal to are provided about how zoo animal training
move from A to B. There are many reasons programmes impact the needs of visitors,
why training programmes are not successful animals, and keepers.
or as commonly implemented as we may