Page 300 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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272  11  Welfare Implications of Zoo Animal Training  and initiate discussion and hopefully motivate   of  ethical debate. Whereas measuring the
                                                     impact of what we do to animals is the realm
            investigation of the relationship between ani-
            mal welfare and the provision of husbandry
                                                      There are various texts which specifically
            training in zoos. Given that we anticipate that   of animal welfare science.
            readers of this chapter have or will read other   consider the ethics of zoo animals (e.g. Norton
            chapters in this book, we have not provided   et al. 2012; Gray 2017). Other than wanting to
            and overview of the impact different training   draw the readers’ attention to the distinction
            techniques may have on the welfare of animals,   between animal ethics and welfare, this chap-
            as this is considered throughout this book,   ter aims to focus on animal welfare as it relates
            especially in Chapters 4 and 7. So the obvious   to zoo animal training. There are many ethical
            misconceptions, conveyed by language, that   considerations which relate to zoo animal
            any training which includes the term negative   training, not least should we train animals?
            or punishment, is also detrimental to animal   Does training impact the animals’ integrity
            welfare is not further discussed.        (telos; Figure 11.1)? Does training zoo animals
                                                     further remove them from their wild conspe-
                                                     cifics and does it matter? If zoo animals are
            11.2   Animal Welfare Science vs         trained does it influence our perception, treat-
            Ethical Considerations                   ment, and consideration of them? As can hap-
                                                     pen within the field of ethics, the number of
            Ethics are the ‘moral principles that control   questions  which  arise  can  become  over-
            or influence a person’s behaviour’ (OED   whelming and the discourse required to do
            2018). The study of animal ethics relates to   justice to these important issues lengthy! As
            how we as humans use animals within society   pragmatists, and let’s be honest zoo animal
            and whether these uses can be justified. The   welfare scientists rather than philosophers, we
            study of ethics is based on theoretical philo-  have decided it would be really valuable to
            sophical reasoning of concepts such as, the   provide an overview of the implications train-
            moral status of animals and the nature and   ing zoo animals might have relative to their
            significance of species, as well as considering   welfare state.  This  overview is intended  to
            practical applications, in terms of how ani-  support  you,  the  reader,  to  make  evidence
            mals are used in today’s society for example in   based decisions about training, which might
            farming systems or within zoos (reviewed
            Beauchamp and Frey 2011). By contrast, ani-
            mal welfare describes the animals’ state, along
            a continuum (from great to awful) at a par-
            ticular time, which manifests as a result of its
            ability (or lack thereof) to meet physical and
            psychological challenges within its daily life.
            Animal welfare science is a relatively new
            multidisciplinary subject which aims to
            empirically evaluate and consider the welfare
            state of animals; a good review of the history
            of animal welfare science was undertaken by
            Broom (2011). There can be some confusion
            whether a topic is an ethical or welfare issue.
            It is important to clarify how these perspec-
            tives differ, as the study and outcomes of them   Figure 11.1  An animal’s telos typifies what it is to be
            can lead to different results and thus applica-  that animal: a hummingbird illustrated here
                                                     hovering typifies what it is to be a hummingbird.
            tion. Simply, issues relating to whether we   Source:‐
            should use animals and how is the realm   avian‐beak‐bird‐349758.
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