Page 72 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 72

44  3  The Ultimate Benefits of Learning  as a generalised effect of the enrichment on   spent interacting with the puzzle and the
                                                     ability of the animal to gain food, but has
            behaviour. There has been a recent rise in the
            number of published articles investigating
                                                     environment itself given the animal choice
            sensory based enrichment such as music (e.g.   the process of gaining information from the
            chimpanzees, Wallace et  al. 2017; gorillas,   and control, and as such are there other
            Brooker 2016; exotic song birds, Robbins and   behavioural measures of enhanced welfare
            Margulis 2016), audiobooks (e.g. dogs,   we should consider (see Chapter 11).
            Brayley and Montrose 2016),  naturalistic
            sounds (e.g. exotic songbirds, Robbins and   3.4.2  Learning Opportunities Lead
            Margulis 2016) and olfactory stimuli (e.g.   to Enhanced Cognitive Function
            lemurs, Baker et al. 2018; felids, Damasceno
            et al. 2017; Vidal et al. 2016; Martínez‐Macipe   Is the cliché of use it or lose it valid in the
            et  al. 2015). These studies cover numerous   case of cognitive ability and if so why? This is
            taxa and a wide range of different methodolo-  the question posed in Milgram et al.’s (2006)
            gies were used but as a general comment we   review of cognitive enrichment in humans
            can suggest that, where positive behavioural   and animals. One of the main concerns in
            changes occur, these types of enrichments   human neural research is the decline in cog-
            have enhanced animal welfare through offer-  nitive function with age. Leading a physically
            ing intrinsic learning opportunities.    and intellectually active life has been shown
              Providing learning opportunities may also   to provide a protective effect in retaining
            infer a benefit to the animal in terms of shap-  cognitive abilities. Many of gerontological
            ing its personality; if you are raised in an   studies are, by their nature, retrospective and
            enriched environment do you ultimately   often provide conflicting results with regards
            develop a personality type different to non‐  to the effect of lifestyle differences, such as
            enriched counterparts? It seems that, in rats   education, job complexity, hobbies, and so
            at least, this is the case. Using operant condi-  forth on cognitive function (Milgram et  al.
            tioning Brydges et al. (2011) trained rats to   2006). For example, education level appears
            associate a stimulus, either rough or smooth   to have a positive effect on memory retention
            sandpaper, with a high‐value (chocolate) or   and a protective effect with respect to
            standard (cheerio) reward. When given an   dementia. Benefits associated with education
            intermediate stimulus, a  sandpaper  grade   level in humans however, may only corre-
            between the two trained scenarios, ‘optimis-  spond to certain tests of cognition; education
            tic’ rats chose to forage in the location where   primarily affects performance on measures
            the high value reward was presented, whereas   of crystallised intelligence (construct linked
            ‘pessimistic’ rats chose to forage in the loca-  to acquired experience and knowledge)
            tion where the low value reward was pre-  rather than fluid intelligence measures (rea-
            sented.  A  comparison  of  the  rats  rearing   soning ability, more dependent on biology
            environment showed that rats raised in   rather than experience) (Kramer et al. 2004).
            enriched (physical enrichments such as   Job complexity (regardless of age) appears to
            tubes, sandpaper substrate) conditions   reduce the risk of developing cognitive
            showed more optimistic responses than their   impairment  and  the  risk  of  developing
            counterparts reared in standard cages.   Alzheimer’s disease is reduced if hobbies are
              These case studies demonstrate the impor-  cognitively challenging rather than physically
            tance of considering the ‘whole animal’s’   challenging.
            response to learning opportunities. The pro-  Whilst we will not discuss in detail the
            cess of learning itself may proffer benefits   mechanisms by which cognitive activity has
            that we simply have not considered. For   been hypothesised to support indirect bene-
            example when providing feeding puzzles we   fits, one suggested route is the cognitive
            may gauge success by observing the time   reserve  hypothesis.  It  is  suggested  that
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