Page 10 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 10
to allow easy entry under bandage material Needle Holders
(Figure 2-5). If bandage scissors are used against The two primary types of needle holders used in
contaminated wounds, the scissors should be large animal practice are the Mayo- Hegar and
sterilized after use to prevent transfer of infec- Olsen-Hegar needle holders (Figure 2-6). The
Olsen-Hegar needle holders have a suture-cutting
scissors built into the jaws, enabling the surgeon to
cut suture without reaching for the suture-cutting
scissors. A variety of other options for needle
§:~\ holders are available depending on the preference
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.. Thumb Forceps
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.. • ':~: . " . Thumb forceps are used for grasping and holding
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. ·, tissues (Figure 2- 7). Typically, the forceps are
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/~tdffi.' 1·5:'.: held in a "pencil" grip. Ma11y types are available,
. ;:.•/::·:.~·· c-c and the selection is based on the type of tissue
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Figure 2-1 Scalpel blades that fit the No. 3 Bard- involved. Toothed forceps are commonly used for
Parker handle. (Reprinted with permission from Miltex stabilization of tisst1e such as skin, fascia, or
Instrument Company, Bethpage, N.Y, 2004.) muscle while suturing. Theoretically, the presence
of teeth on these forceps makes the grip required
to hold the tissue less forceful than if there were
no teeth, resulting in less tissue trauma. Forceps
:1 are often classified based on the number of inter-
locking teeth on each head. For example I x 2
indicates there are two teeth on one side of the
forceps and one on the other. The higher-number
teeth are generally used for more robust tissues.
!l .\ I Nontoothed forceps generally have ridges or
grooves on the surface of the tip and are used for
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.·,E.·. ' 1~ grasping visceral and serosal or adventitial tissues
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as the lack of teeth decreases the likelihood of
- ·:. II puncture.
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I LJi iJ Hemostatc Forceps
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.20 Hemostatic forceps are primarily used to clamp
. . .. the ends of vessels to establish hemostasis. Halstead
A B ~
Figure 2-2 A, Bard-Parker No. 4 handle. B, Various mosquito forceps are used for clamping small
shapes of scalpel blades that fit the No. 4 scalpel handle. vessels (Pigure 2-8, A). Kelly forceps are used for
(Reprinted with permission from Miltex Instrument clamping larger vessels and as a grasping forceps
Company, Bethpage, N.Y., 2004.) to hold tissue or stay sutures for manipulation
! . I
Figure 2-3 Operating scissors. (From
Sonsthagen TF: Veteririary instruments and
I equipment: a pocket guide, St Louis, 2006,
o ·o · \c \_ ; - Elsevier Inc.)
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Sharp/sharp Sharp/blunt Blunt/blunt Sharp/sharp Sharp/blunt Blunt/blunt
straight straight straight curved curved curved