Page 8 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
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                   communicated  to  the  owner  that  withholding                                                                             order  to  be  prepared  for  the  unanticipated  need

                   feed will alter gastrointestinal flora and predispose                                                                       to expand  the surgical  site.

                   the horse to  colitis.                                                                                                            Immediately  prior  to  the  operation,  the  pro-

                          Tetanus  vaccination  status  of  the  patient                                                                       posed  surgical  site  should  undergo  a  surgical

                   should  be  assessed  and,  if  necessary,  a  tetanus                                                                      scrub consisting  of at least  5  minutes'  exposure

                   booster  should be  administered.  If the patient  has                                                                      to  either  povidone-iodine  7.So/o  surgical  scrub

                   never  received  tetanus  toxoid  and  the  surgery  is                                                                     (Betadine  surgical  scrub)  or  chlorhexidine  glu-

                   an  elective  procedure,  the  procedure  should  be                                                                        conate  4% antimicrobial skin  cleanser  (Hibiclens;

                   delayed  until  appropriate  tetanus  prophylaxis  is                                                                       Zeneca  Pharmaceuticals  Inc.,  Wilmington,  Del.).

                    established.  Patients that have not received tetanus                                                                      The  final  surgical  preparation  consists  of  alter-

                    toxoid within  the past 6 months, but are on a con-                                                                        nating  70%  alcohol  or  isotonic  saline  rinse  with

                   tinning  immunization  program,  should  receive a                                                                          the surgical scrub using aseptic technique.  Rinsing

                   tetanus  booster.                                                                                                           with saline or 70°/o isopropyl alcohol does not make

                          Prophylactic                      and  therapeutic                               antibiotics                         a difference in the antimicrobial effect of povidone-

                    should  be  judiciously  administered.  When  indi-                                                                        iodine;  however, alcohol reduces the residual effect

                    cated,  antibiotics  should  be  administered  imme-                                                                       and antiseptic  quality of chlorhexidine.'

                    diately prior  to  surgery  at the correct  dosage  and

                    for the  correct amount  of time but should  be dis-                                                                       REFERENCES

                    continued  as soon  as possible  after surgery.

                          When  possible,  the  surgical  site  should  be                                                                      1.  American  Association  of Equine  Practitioners:  The

                    clipped  (size  40  clipper  blades)  and  prepped                                                                                veterinary  role  in  equine  insurance,  Lexington,  Ky,

                    before  (within  2  hours)  induction,  Over  smooth                                                                              2000, AAEP.

                    areas, the  hair  may be  shaved  with  a disposable                                                                        2.  Stashak  TS:  Selected  factors  that  affect  wound

                    razor.  A  wide  area  surrounding  the  anticipated                                                                              healing.  In  Stashak  TS, editor:  Equine wound  man-

                    surgery  site  should  be  clipped  and  scrubbed  in                                                                             agement, Philadelphia,  1991,  Lea & Febiger.
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