Page 107 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 107


                                                                                               CHAPTER                                                                   17

                                                               Semitendinosus Tenotomy and Myotomy

                                                                                                                   Joanne  Kramer

                                                                                                                                                 the affected limb positioned  down.  The myotomy
                      INDICATIONS                                                                                                                procedure  is performed  with the horse  standing

                                                                                                                                                 with local  anesthesia  and  sedation.
                      Treatment  of  gait  abnormalities  secondary  to

                      fibrosis  or  ossification  of  the  semitendinosus

                      muscle  (fibrotic myopathy).

                      EQUIPMENT                                                                                                                   Semitendinosus Tenotomy

                                                                                                                                                  Palpation  of  the  proximal  medial  tibial  region

                      No special equipment  is required for tenotomy.  A                                                                          usually reveals the location  of the horizontally ori-

                      blunt-tipped  bistoury  is  useful  for  the  myotomy                                                                       ented  tendon  of insertion.  Generally,  the tendon

                      procedure.                                                                                                                  is about four fingers' width distal to the proximal

                                                                                                                                                  tibia.  The distal  end  of the  tibial crest can  also be

                                                                                                                                                  used as a proximal to distal guide.  An 8-cm verti-

                                                                                                                                                  cal incision  is made  over the tendon  caudal to the

                                                                                                                                                  medial  saphenous  vein.  The  incision  is extended
                       The  semitendinosus  muscle  originates  from the                                                                          through  the  subcutaneous  tissues  and  the  dense

                       transverse processes of the first and second  caudal                                                                       crural  fascia to expose the tendon.  Curved forceps

                       vertebrae,  the  sacrosciatic  ligament,  and  the                                                                         are passed underneath  the tendon, and the tendon

                       ventral surface of the ischiatic tuberosity. It inserts                                                                    is  transected  (Figure  17 -1).  The  fascial  layer  is

                       on  the  tibial  crest,  crural  fascia  proper,  and  cal-                                                                closed with an  interrupted  or continuous  pattern

                       caneal tuberosity.  The  tendon  of insertion  on the                                                                       using  synthetic  absorbable  suture  material.

                       medial  aspect  of the  proximal  tibia  is  transected                                                                    The subcutaneous  tissue is closed with a continu-

                       in the  tenotomy  procedure.  The myotomy proce-                                                                            ous  pattern  using  synthetic  absorbable  suture

                       dure  involves  transecting  muscle  fibers  at  the                                                                        material.  The  skin  is  closed  in  an  interrupted

                        distal  extent  of the fibrotic  region  and is typically                                                                  pattern.

                       performed  on  the  caudal  aspect  of the limb  just

                       proximal  to  the musculotendinous  junction.

                                                                                                                                                   Semitendinosus Myotomy

                        POSITIONING AND PREPARATION                                                                                                Infiltration  of  local  anesthetic  is  performed  in

                                                                                                                                                   an  inverted-U  pattern  surrounding  and  distal

                        The  semitendinosus  tenotomy  procedure  is per-                                                                          to the  most  taut palpable  area  of fibrosis.  A 6-cm

                        formed with the horse in lateral recumbency  with                                                                          vertical  incision  is  made  over  the  caudal  aspect

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