Page 147 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 147


                                                                                             CHAPTER  24


                                                                                                              David A.  Wilson

                                                                                                                                               aspect  of  the  trachea.  The  smaller  sternothy-
                   INDICATIONS                                                                                                                 roideus  inserts  on  the  caudal  border  and  abaxial

                                                                                                                                               surface  of  the  thyroid  cartilage,  and  the  larger

                   Tracheostomy  is indicated  for any permanent  dis-                                                                         sternohyoideus  continues  on  to  insert  on  the

                    order  of  the  larynx  and  upper  trachea  in  which                                                                     basihyoid  bone.  The paired  omohyoideus  muscles

                    airflow is impaired.                                                                                                       originate  from  the  subscapular  fascia close to  the

                                                                                                                                               shoulder  joint  and  join  the  sternohyoideus  iI1 the

                                                                                                                                               proximal  third  of the neck. The trachea  primarily

                    EQUIPMENT                                                                                                                  consists  of from  48 to  60 hyaline  cartilage  rings.

                                                                                                                                               These  rings  are (-shaped  and  open  dorsally, with

                    No  special  equipment  is  required.  Self-retaining                                                                      the  ends  connected  by  the  transversely  oriented

                    retractors  and  Rochester  Carmalt  forceps  or                                                                           tracheal  muscle.1

                    similar  forceps  are desirable.



                                                                                                                                                Several similar  techniques  have been  described.i"

                    The  surgery  can  be  performed  with  the  horse                                                                          A  10-  to  12-cm  ventral  midline  incision  is made

                     standing  with  mild  sedation  and  local  anesthesia                                                                     in the proximal  third of the neck in a region where

                     or  in dorsal  recumbency  under  general  anesthe-                                                                        the  trachea  is  palpable  (Figure  24-1).  If  a  tra-

                     sia. The head  should  be  extended  for  either  pro-                                                                     cheotomy  has been  performed  previously,  this site

                     cedure.  If the  procedure  is performed  in  dorsal                                                                       should  be  avoided.

                     recumbency,  care should  be taken  to position  the                                                                              The  cutaneous  colli  and  subcutaneous  tissues

                     neck, head, and body without  twisting  or torquing                                                                        are  incised,  and  the  paired  sternothyrohyoideus

                     such  that the  skin  incision  is directly  on  midline                                                                    and  omohyoideus  muscles  are  identified.  The

                     when  the horse  stands. The ventral  cervical region                                                                       right  and  left  sternothyrohyoideus  muscles  are

                     is  clipped  and  prepared  routinely  for  aseptic                                                                         separated  on  midline  and  retracted  laterally  to

                     surgery.                                                                                                                    expose  a  section  of  three  or  four  tracheal  rings.

                                                                                                                                                 Sections  of  the  paired  sternothyrohyoideus

                                                                                                                                                 muscles  as well as the most  axial portions  of the

                     ANATOMY                                                                                                                     omohyoideus  muscles  are  clamped  with  an

                                                                                                                                                 angiotribe,  straight  Rochester- Pean  or Rochester-

                      The paired  sternothyrohyoideus  muscles originate                                                                         Carmalt  forceps,  transected,  and  excised  at  the

                      from  manubrium sterni  and extend  on the ventral                                                                         proximal  and  distal  extent  of  the  tracheostomy

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