Page 256 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 256

252                        LIMITED  ABDOMINAL  SURGERIES

                       exposed.  At this  point,  the  hernial  sac is resected                                                                    peritonitis.  The  open  technique  is  i11dicated for

                       to  the  level  of  the  fibrous  ring  of  the  hernia.                                                                    repair  of  large  hernias,  irreducible  hernias,  or

                       Careful  palpation  of the hernial  ring  will identify                                                                     hernias  complicated  by enterocutaneous  fistula.

                       a  thinned  triangular  area  on  the  cranial  and                                                                               The  subcutaneous  tissue  and  skin  are  closed

                       caudal  borders  of the  ring  with  the  fibrous  por-                                                                     similarly  for  both  open  and  closed  techniques.

                       tions  of the linea  alba in a fusiform  shape  (Figure                                                                    The  suture  material  and  patterns  are  left  to  the

                       45-5). The tissue  within  this triangular  area may                                                                        surgeon's  preference.  We  use  No.  2-0  polydiox-

                       be  removed.                                                                                                                anone, polyglactin  910,  or poliglecaprone.  A sub-

                              Closure  of  the  abdominal  wall  consists  of                                                                      cuticular  layer in the  skin  rather  than  traditional

                       appositional  absorbable  sutures  (No.  1  or  No.  2                                                                      skin closure or the use of absorbable sutures in the

                       depending on the size of the foal).  The  suture  pat-                                                                      skin  eliminates  the  need  for  suture  removal.                                                                                    {

                       terns  are  similar  to  those  recommended  for  the

                       closed  technique.  The  vest-over-pants  or  Mayo

                       mattress  suture  pattern  is  not  recommended                                                                             POSTOPERATVE  CARE

                       because  the  pattern  tends  to  excessively focus  or

                       increase the tension  of the suture  line  rather  than                                                                        rostoperative Care

                       simply closing the space between  the fibrous  por-

                       tions  of the hernial  ring.                           3                                                                       Exercise  Restridions:  The  foal  should  be

                             The  only  significant  advantage  of  the  open                                                                         rested  in  a  stall  or  small  paddock  for  at  least  4

                       technique  is the  ability  to  assess the  contents  of                                                                       weeks  prior  to  returning  to  unrestricted  pasture

                       the  hernial  sac.  The  disadvantages  of  the  open                                                                          turnout  or  turnout  with  other  foals.  The  incision
                                                                                                                                                      line  should  be  palpated  and  examined  for  ade-
                       technique  are  the  slightly  increased  risk  of post-                                                                       quate  healing  before  unrestricted  exercise  is

                       operative  evisceration,  abdominal  adhesions,  and

                                                                                                                                                      Medications: If the procedure  is  uncomplicated,

                                                                                                                                                      only  preoperative  antibiotics  and anti-inflammatory

                                                                                                                                                      agents  are  indicated.  Tetanus prophylaxis  should

                                                                                                                                                      be current.

                                                                                                                                                      Suture Removal: Nonabsorbable  sutures should

                                                                                                                                                      be  removed  in  10  to  14  days.
                                                                                                              ·'  "  ,,  .
                                                                 Palpable  border                                   \

                                                           of defect in linea  alba                                 r\

                                                                                                                                                   EXPECTED OUTCOME


                                                                                                                                                   If the  margins  of the body wall defect are carefully

                                                                                                                                                   identified  during  surgery  and  adequate  tissue

                                                                                                                                                   bites are obtained  using strong nonreactive  suture

                                                                                                                                                   material,  closed  and  open  hernia  repairs  have  a

                                                                                                                                                   high  success  rate.  Mild  periincisional  edema  is

                                                                                                                                                   common  during  the  first postoperative  week.

                                                                                                                     .    '
                                                                                                          -;!   .      ..

                                                                                                                                                   Reported  complication  rates  for  either  surgical

                                                                                                                                                   hernia  repair  or  the  clamp  technique  have  been
                                                                                                                                                   reported  to  be  between  7°/o  and  19°/o.4'5  Seroma

                       Figure  45-5  A, Careful palpation of the hernial  ring                                                                     formation  is probably  the  most  common  compli-

                       will identify a thinned triangular  area on the cranial and

                       caudal borders  of the  ring with the  fibrous portions  of                                                                 cation  associated  with  both  surgical  techniques

                       the linea alba in a fusiform  shape. B, The tissue within                                                                   and  generally  occurs  as  a  result  of  inadequate

                       this triangular  area (black arrow) may be removed along                                                                    closure  of subcutaneous  dead  space.  Hematomas

                       with the  fibrous tissue forming the  base of the triangle                                                                  may also occur if inadequate  hemostasis  occurred

                       (white  arrow),  in  an  open  herniorrhaphy.  Dotted  line                                                                 during  surgery.                           Generally,  hematomas  and

                       indicates the  line of incision.                                                                                            seromas  regress  on  their  own  and  require  no
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