Page 251 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 251

Inguinal  Herniorrhaphy                                       247

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Vaginal  tunic

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and testicle


                                                                                                                                                       Figure  44-2  Direct  inguinal  hernia  showing  in-

                                                                                                   ~-C...k~                                            testines  outside  the  abdomen  next  to the vaginal tunic

                           Figure  44-1                     Indirect  inguinal  hernia  viewed  from                                                   containing  the  testicle.

                           the abdomen,  and skin cut away from scrotum  showing

                           intestine  and testicle within  the scrotum.

                           scrotum.  Intestine  is  typically  noted  within  the

                           vaginal  tunic.  Occasionally,  the  parietal  vaginal

                           tunic  or  peritoneum  in the  region  of the  vaginal

                           ring  tears  and  the  intestine  is  directly under  the

                           skin. Ruptures of the tunic or peritoneum  can be

                           very  large  and  are  an  indication  that  surgical

                           repair  is indicated  (Figure  44-2).  The  skin of very

                           young  foals is thin.  Stretching  and thinning  of the

                           skin can lead to blood  supply disruption, ischemic

                           necrosis,  and  subsequent  sloughing  of the skin.

                                  If the  vaginal tunic  is intact, a combination  of

                           blunt and sharp dissection  is used to free the tunic

                           and  internal  spermatic  fascia  from  the  external

                           spermatic fascia.  The vaginal tunic and testicle  are                                                                                                                                       ~tc.J:~

                           twisted  in  order  to «milk" the  intestine  back  into                                                                    Figure  44-3  For  indirect  inguinal  hernias,  the

                           the  abdominal  cavity  (Figure  44-3).  A transfixa-                                                                      vaginal tunic  can be  twisted, starting at the testicle and

                           tion  suture  is then placed,  while  maintaining  the                                                                      twisting the vaginal tunic  to force the intestines into the

                           twist,  within  the  inguinal  canal.  The  testicle and                                                                    abdomen.

                           tunics  are then  emasculated  distal to the  ligature.

                                  For  ruptures  of  the  vaginal  tunic,  the  tear  is                                                                     The  superficial  inguinal  ring  is  then  closed

                           identified  and the intestines  are replaced into the                                                                      with preplaced  absorbable  sutures  (Figure  44-4).

                           abdomen.  «Last-out,  first-in" is  the  guideline  for                                                                    A simple interrupted or cruciate pattern using No.

                           feeding the  loops  of bowel back in the  abdomen.                                                                          1 or No.  2 absorbable mono.filament  suture  mate-

                           This may require enlargement  of the vaginal  ring                                                                         rial is recommended  for closure of the superficial

                           depending  on the condition  of the intestine.  Care                                                                       inguinal  ring.  Use of a blunt-point  hernia needle

                           should  be  taken  to  not  inadvertently  disrupt the                                                                      (The  Torrington  Company,  Torrington,  Conn.)

                           delicate  intestinal  mesentery,  The  testicle  and                                                                       reduces the  risk  of inadvertently  penetrating  the

                           tunic  are then  emasculated  in a routine manner.                                                                         large  vessels  in  the  surgical  field.  The  sutures
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