Page 38 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
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                       the  inhibitory  effect  of this  neurotransmitter  by                                                                     2.  After  the drugs  are  administered,  they  should

                       decreasing  the  rate  of  its  dissociation  from  its                                                                           be allowed to have an  effect.  It is important to

                      receptor  and  directly  increasing  the  duration  of                                                                             wait  5  to  15  minutes  after  IV  administration

                      GABA-associated chloride  channel  opening. It has                                                                                 and 15  to  30 minutes  after  IM  administration

                      no analgesic effects at subanesthetic  doses.  Its car-                                                                            for the  drugs to have their  full effect.

                      diovascular  effects are a mild peripheral vasodila-                                                                        3.  If a tranquilizer  or a2-agent  alone  is not effec-

                      tion  (primarily venous)  and  a decrease  in cardiac                                                                             tive, it is usually  best  to  add  an  opioid  rather

                      contractility.46  A concurrent increase in heart rate                                                                             than to  give more of the initial  drug.

                      often  occurs.  Although  thiopental  can  be  used

                      alone  to produce  equine  anesthesia, the quality  of                                                                            For  long  procedures,  it is sometimes  easier  to

                      recovery is poor.  For this reason,  it is commonly                                                                         administer  a continuous  infusion  of  detomidine

                      used  with  other  agents.                                                                                                 rather than to administer  additional  doses during

                                                                                                                                                 the  procedure.  This  is  especially  useful  during

                      Propofol                                                                                                                   laparoscopic  procedures.  After  initial  sedation

                                                                                                                                                 with  detomidine  and  butorphanol  or  detomidine

                      Propofol  is  a  phenolic  compound  that  is chemi-                                                                       and buprenorphine,  an  infusion  of detomidine  is

                      cally unrelated  to  thiopental,  but the  clinical and                                                                    administered  at the rate of 0.1 µg/kg/min  (0.0001

                     physiologic  effects  are  very  similar.  One  signifi-                                                                    mg/kg/min).44  A  450-kg  horse  would  therefore

                      cant  difference  is  the  rapid  hepatic  metabolism                                                                      require  27 mg  of detomidine/hr.  Alternatively,  an

                      of propofol.  This  combination  of redistribution                                                                         initial  detomidine  infusion  rate  of 0.6  µg/kg/min

                     and  rapid  metabolism  results  iI1  rapid  recovery                                                                       can be used.  The detomidine  infusion  rate is then

                     even  after  long  periods  of administration.  Cur-                                                                        decreased by half every 15 minutes.59  Xylazine can

                     rently its cost precludes frequent use as an  equine                                                                        also  be  given  by  infusion  at  the  rate  of  0.55

                     anesthetic agent, although t1se may increase in the                                                                         mg/kg/hr,             60    111  addition  to  the  infusion,  local

                     future.  It is used after premedication  with a tran-                                                                       anesthetics should be used at the surgery site. Con-

                     quilizer.                                                                                                                   stant infusions  are often superior to  intermittent

                                                                                                                                                 administration  in  that the  quality  of sedation  is

                                                                                                                                                more uniform and there  is usually less ataxia since

                     STANDING SEDATION AND  RESTRAINT                                                                                           the  peaks in  plasma  drug  levels are eliminated.


                     Many  minor  surgical  and  diagnostic  procedures                                                                         INJECTABLE GENERAL ANESTHESIA

                     are  done  without  general  anesthesia.  In  some

                     cases,  a  tranquilizer  or  a2-agonist  alone  is  ade-                                                                   There  is  no  ideal  general  anesthetic;  therefore,

                     quate.  In most cases, however, the combination  of                                                                        combinations  of  drugs  are  used  to  produce

                     a tranquilizer  or  a2-agonist  with an  opioid  pro-                                                                      general  anesthesia.  When  combining  drugs,  it  is

                    vides  superior  sedation,  analgesia,  and  restraint.                                                                     important  to  select  drugs  tl1at have  complemen-

                    Many  combinations  are  used,  and  the  doses                                                                             tary effects.  In  addition,  the  duration of action  of

                    within  these  combinations  are  variable.  The                                                                            the  drugs  must  be  considered  as  well  as  their

                    attending veterinarian  should  use his or her judg-                                                                        undesirable  side effects. When  the combination  of

                    ment  as  to  the  precise  dose  to  use.  One  rule  to                                                                   xylazine  and  ketamine  is  analyzed,  it  is  evident

                    remember  is that you  can  always give more  drug                                                                          that  ketamine  provides  the  anesthesia  as  well

                    if needed but it is difficult to remove  a drug  from                                                                       as some  analgesia but  is lacking  in  muscle relax-

                    the  animal  once  it has  been  administered.  Table                                                                       ation  a11d  would  cause  rough  inductions  if used

                    5-1  lists  the  commonly  used  drugs  and  their                                                                          alone.  The addition of xylazine adds muscle relax-

                    doses, as well as some  specific comments.                                                                                  ation  as well  as more  analgesia  and  sedation  to

                           It  is  important  to  remember  that  no  matter                                                                   smooth  the induction.  Their durations of action

                    which  drugs  are  selected  to  sedate  a  horse,                                                                         are  complementary  as  well.  Xylazine  produces

                    several  other factors  are important  for  successful                                                                     approximately  30  minutes  of  sedation  so  the

                    sedation.                                                                                                                  recovery  from  ketamine  is  generally  smooth  but

                                                                                                                                               the sedation after anesthesia is not prolonged.  The

                    1.  The horse  should  be calm  when  the  drugs  are                                                                      addition ofbutorphanol  or a benzodiazepine  adds

                          administered.                                                                                                        more  analgesia-sedation  or  muscle  relaxation-
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