Page 40 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 40


                                 CX.2-Agonists  can  be  combined  with  Telazol.                                                                     longed  and  the  horse  is unable  to get up  but  does

                          The  cx.2-agonist  should  be  administered  first  and                                                                    not  appear  sedate,  fluids  should  be  administered

                          Telazol  is  administered  only  after  the  horse  is                                                                     in  an  attempt  to  improve  excretion  of the  drugs

                          sedate.  Xylazine ( 1.1  mg/kg  IV)  can be combined                                                                        and  their  metabolites.

                          with  Telazol  ( 1.65 mg/kg  IV)  to  produce  general                                                                            Detomidine  can be  used  with  guaifenesin  and

                          anesthesia  of approximately 20 to  30 minutes.62•71                                                                       ketamine  after  induction  with  detomidine  and

                          Alternatively,  detomidine  can  be  used.  Detomi-                                                                        ketamine.P-"  The  preparation  used  contains  ket-

                          dine  at  doses  of  0.02 mg/kg  or  0.04  mg/kg  IV                                                                       amine  (2 mg/mL)  and  detomidine  (0.02  mg/mL)

                          followed  by  Telazol  (2 mg/kg  IV)  produced  ap-                                                                        in  lOo/o  guaifenesin  administered  at  approxi-

                         proximately  25  and  30  minutes  of  anesthesia,                                                                          mately  1 mL/kg/hr.  If 5°/o  guaifenesin  is used,  the

                          respectively.62  Xylazine  (0.44 mg/kg  IV)  can  be                                                                       ketamine  and  detomidine  concentrations  should

                         followed by a mixture of Telazol dissolved in deto-                                                                         each  be  reduced  by one  half  (1  mg/mL  and  0.01

                         midine  and  ketamine  to  produce  recumbency  of                                                                          mg/mL,  respectively).  The  infusion  rate  for  the

                         approximately  40  minutes.72  A  500-mg  bottle  of                                                                        less  concentrated  mixture  is 2 mL/kg/hr.

                         Telazol  is dissolved  in  4 mL  of  100 mg/ml,  keta-                                                                            Romifidine  with  guaifenesin  and  ketamine  has

                         mine  and  1 mL  of  10 mg/mL  detomidine.  Three                                                                           been  used  as a maintenance  anesthetic following

                         milliliters  of  the  mixture  per  450  kg  of  body                                                                       induction  with  romifidine  and  ketamine.78  The

                         weight  is the  recommended  dose.                                                                                          induction  dose is 0.1  mg/kg of romifidine  IV fol-

                                                                                                                                                    lowed  by 2.2  mg/kg  of ketamine  Iv. The  mainte-

                         a2-Agonist-Dissociative-Guaienesin                                                                                         nance  infusion  consists  of an  initial  bolus  of  50

                         Combinatons                                                                                                                mg/kg  of guaifenesin  followed  by IV infusion  of
                                                                                                                                                    romifidine  (0.0825  mg/kg/hr), ketamine  (6.6  mg/

                         The  combination  of  guaifenesin,  ketamine,  and                                                                         kg/hr),  and  guaifenesin  (100 mg/kg/hr).  After  30

                         xylazine  (GKX), or "triple  drip," has been used for                                                                      minutes, the guaifenesin infusion  rate is decreased

                         many  years  in  equine  anesthesia.  This  combina-                                                                       50%.

                         tion  was first described  as an induction  cornbina-

                         tiori"  and  later  as  a  maintenance  anesthetic.                                                       74

                        When  used  as  a  maintenance  anesthetic,  0.5                                                                            Thiopental-Guaifenesin  Combinations

                        mg/ml.  of xylazine and  1  or 2 mg/mL  of ketamine                                                                         The use of guaifenesin  with  thiopental  allows the

                        are  added  to  a  5%  solution  of  guaifenesin  in                                                                        use of a lower dose of thiopental  and  usually pro-

                        dextrose.  One liter of 5% guaifenesin  would  have                                                                         duces  better  recovery  than  the  use  of thiopental

                        5mL  of 100 mg/mL  xylazine  and  10  or  20mL  of                                                                          alone.  Induction  is  usually  preceded  by  the

                         100 mg/mL  ketamine  added.  It should  always be                                                                          administration  of an  cx.2-agonist  st1ch as xylazine

                        administered  through  a catheter  because extravas-                                                                        or  detomidine.  Both  thiopental  and  guaifenesin

                        cular  guaifenesin  can cause severe tissue  damage.                                                                       will cause tissue  damage.  Therefore,  it is essential

                        In  addition,  the  vein  used  for  administering  the                                                                    this mixture  be administered  via an indwelling  IV

                        anesthetic  should  not  be  occluded  so  blood  can                                                                      catheter  located  in a vessel with  good  blood  flow.

                        flow freely to  allow distribution  of the drug  and                                                                       A I-l-gauge  or larger  catheter  is recommended  to

                        prevent  thrombophlebitis.  Triple drip  can be  used                                                                      allow the  rapid  administration  of the  thiopental-

                        as  an  induction  agent  in  horses  sedated  with                                                                        guaifenesin  mixture.  To administer  this  mixture,

                        xylaxine.  More commonly, however, it is used as                                                                           2 g of thiopental  is added  to  1 L of 5%  guaifen-

                        a  maintenance  anesthetic  following  induction                                                                           esin.     64    This  mixture  is  then  administered  IV  as

                       with xylazine and  ketamine  as described  earlier in                                                                       rapidly  as possible  until  the  horse  is recumbent.

                       this  section.  It is infused  at  a  rate  that produces                                                                   To speed induction,  1 additional  gram  of thiopen-

                       the  desired  level  of  anesthesia,  but  the  mainte-                                                                     tal can be  administered  IV as the horse  begins  to

                       nance  infusion  rate is usually 2.2 to 2.75 mL/kg/hr                                                                       relax.  If drug  administration  is stopped  after the

                        (approximately  1 mL/lb/hr).60•64'74  The higher  con-                                                                     horse  is  recumbent,  the  duration  of  anesthesia

                       centration  of  ketamine  allows  slightly  slower                                                                          will  be  10  to  20  minutes.  Additional  anesthesia

                       infusion  rates  for  longer  procedures.  This  is  an                                                                     tune  can  be produced  by continuing  the infusion

                       appropriate  anesthetic  technique  for  up  to  90                                                                         to effect. The  typical infusion  rate will be approx-

                       minutes  in  healthy  horses.  If the recovery  is pro-                                                                     imately  l.5mL/kg/min.64  If more  than  lL  of the

                       longed,  tolazoline  can  be  used  to  antagonize  the                                                                    mixture  is to be used, the second liter should  only

                       sedative effects of xylazine.75  If the recovery is pro-                                                                   contain  1 g of thiopental  (1  mg/mL).  Total  anes-
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