Page 84 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 84


                                                                            Distal Check Ligament Desmotomy

                                                                                                                     Joanne  Kramer  ·

                        INDICATIONS                                                                                                                POSITIONING AND  PREPARATION

                       The  primary  indication  for  distal  check  liga-                                                                         The  horse  is  positioned  in lateral  recumbency

                       ment  desmotomy  is  deep  digital  flexor  tendon                                                                          with  the  affected  limb  tip. When  both  limbs  are

                        (DDFT)  contracture  with  coffin  joint  contrac-                                                                         affected,  the  distal  check  ligament  on  the  down

                       ture  (Figure  13-1).  It is also occasionally  used  in                                                                    side can be approached  medially. Alternatively, the

                       the  treatment  of  metacarpophalangeal  flexural                                                                           horse  may  be  positioned  i11  dorsal  recumbency

                       deformities  and  in the  treatment  of caudal  foot                                                                        when the condition  is bilateral. The circumference

                       lameness  with  upright hoof wall or  pastern  con-                                                                         of the limb  should  be clipped  and prepared  asep-

                       formation.                                                                                                                  tically from  the  fetlock to  the  mid  carpal  region.

                       EQUIPMENT                                                                                                                   PROCEDURE

                       Specialized  instruments                                   are  not  required  for                                         A 6-cm  skin  incision  is made  near  the  distal  end

                       this  surgery.  The  foot  should  be  trimmed                                                                              of the proximal  third of the  metacarpus  over the

                       and  examined  for  subsolar  abscesses. Toe exten-                                                                         DDFT  (Figure  13-5).  The  approach  can  be  per-

                       sions  are  applied  in  some  cases  to  protect  the                                                                     formed  on the lateral or medial  aspect of the limb.

                       toe  and  to  provide  a lever  arm  during  breakover                                                                     The  lateral  approach  is  generally  simpler  and  is

                       to  gradually  stretch  the  DDFT  (Figures  13-2  and                                                                     farther  from  the  neurovascular  bundle.  The  sub-

                       13-3).                                                                                                                     cutaneous  tissues  and palmar  fascia  are  incised,

                                                                                                                                                  and  the intersection  between  the  distal check lig-

                                                                                                                                                  ament and DDFT is palpated  or visualized  (Figure

                       ANATOMY                                                                                                                     13-6).  The  intersection  between  the  DDFT  and

                                                                                                                                                  distal check ligament  is usually found  best by pal-

                       The  distal  check  ligament  wraps  around  the                                                                           pation  with  fingers  or  the  tip  of an  instrument.

                       DDFT  on  the  dorsal  and  lateral  surface  of  the                                                                      Occasionally, it  can  be visualized.  Because  of the

                       DDFT  and often  forms  a slight  C  shape  around                                                                         C  shape  of  the  distal  check  ligament,  it  often
                       the  DDFT  (Figure  13-4).  The  palmar  vein, artery,                                                                     wraps  around  the  DDFT  such  that  the  DDFT  is

                       and  nerve  lie close to the  DDFT  and distal  check                                                                      deep  to  the  intersection  of the superficial  digital

                      ligament  (see Figure  13-4).  Care  should  be taken                                                                       flexor tendon and  distal check ligament.

                       to not exteriorize  or transect these with  the check                                                                             Blunt  dissection  between  the  distal check  liga-

                      ligament.                                                                                                                   ment  and  DDFT  with  a  curved  Kelly forceps  or

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