Page 93 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 93
' Proximal Check Ligament Desmotomy 89
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Figure 14-7 Retraction of the flexor carpi radialis caudally to expose the proximal check ligament fused with the
deep sheet of flexor retinaculum. a, Antebrachial fascia; b, cut end of the deep communicating branch to the proxi-
mal radial vein; c, proximal check ligament; d, tendon of flexor carpi radialis muscle; e, tendon sheath of flexor carpi
radialis muscle; f, deep sheet of flexor retinaculum; g, superficial sheet of flexor retinaculum.
Deep) Layers of proximal check lig.
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Figure 14-8 Transection of the proximal check ligament. a, Deep communicating branch to the proximal radial
vein; b, proximal radial artery (palmar carpal branch), c, deep sheet of flexor retinaculum; d, superficial sheet of flexor
Carpal sheath
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Figure 14-10 The carpal sheath exposed after tran-
section of the proximal check ligament. a, Superficial
sheet of flexor retinaculum; b, deep sheet of flexor reti-
Figure 14-9 Visualization of the muscle belly of the
naculurn; c, proximal radial artery (palmar carpal
radial head of the deep digital flexor tendon (arrow)
after transection of the proximal check ligament . branch).