Page 95 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
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Proximal  Check  Ligament  Desmotomy                                                        91

                        healing  by draining  hematomas  or seromas  asso-                                                                          intact,  the  majority  of  the  load  during  weight

                        ciated  with  the  core  lesion  and  creating  a  com-                                                                     bearing  is sustained  by the tendon from  the prox-

                        rnunication  between  the  tendon  core  and  the                                                                           imal  check  ligament  distally.  Desmotorny  is

                        peritenon  that  promotes  healing.  The  procedure                                                                         thought  to  allow the  muscle  to  assume  a greater

                         is often  performed  in  conjunction  with  proximal                                                                       portion  of the load  and  contribute  to  the  elastic-

                         check ligament  desmotomy:'?                                                                                               ity of the  entire  unit.14  The  actual  strain  i11 vitro

                               Tenoscopically  assisted  superior  check  liga-                                                                     on  the  SDFT  after  proximal  check  ligament

                         ment  desmotomy  has  also  been  described  and                                                                           desmotomy  increases,  but  the  elongation  of  the

                         may  offer  the  advantages  of decreased  incisional                                                                      musculotendinous  unit also increases  during  load

                         complications  and  operative  time.":"                                                                                    application.15  This  elongation  and  recruitment  of

                               Flexural  limb  deformities  of  the  metacar-                                                                       muscle fibers may allow for increased  elasticity in

                         pophalangeal  joint  will  sometimes  respond  to                                                                          the  musculotendon  unit  compared  with  those

                         inferior  check  ligament  desmotomy  alone  or                                                                            that heal without  desmotomy.14

                         in  combination  with  proximal  check  ligament

                         desmotomy.2•13  Fetlock  flexural  deformities  have                                                                        REFERENCES

                         also  been  treated  with  superficial  digital  flexor

                         tenotomy.2                                                                                                                     1.  Auer JA:  Flexural  deformities.  In Auer  JA, Stick JA,

                                                                                                                                                             editors:  Equine  surgery,  ed  2,  Philadelphia,  1999,

                                                                                                                                                             WB Saunders.

                         COMMENTS                                                                                                                      2.  Adams  SB, Santschi  EM: Management of congeni-

                                                                                                                                                             tal and  acquired  flexural  deformities, Proc Am Assoc

                         Proximal  check ligament  desmotomy  is more  dif-                                                                                  Equine Pract 46: 117,  2000.

                         ficult  than  distal  check  ligament  desmotomy.  A                                                                           3.  Kidd  JA,  Barr  ARS: Flexural  deformities  in  foals,

                         thorough  understanding  of the  anatomy,  careful                                                                                  Equine  Vet Educ  14(6):311,  2002.

                          attention  to  hemostasis,  and  strict  asepsis  are                                                                         4.  Fulton IC, MacLean  AA, O'Reilly JL, et al: Superior
                                                                                                                                                              check ligament  desmotomy for treatment of super-
                          important for  consistently  good  results.                                                                                         ficial digital  flexor  tendonitis  in Thoroughbred  or

                                Determining  the  most  appropriate  surgical                                                                                 Standardbred horses,  Aust  Vet J 71:233,  1994.

                          treatment  for  fetlock  flexural deformities  can  be                                                                        5.  Hawkins JF, Ross MW: Transection  of the accessory

                          difficult.  For mild  cases where  the  fetlock angle is                                                                            ligament  of the  superficial  digital  flexor muscle  for

                          less than  180 degrees, the limb  can be forced  into                                                                               the  treatment of superficial  digital  flexor tendonitis

                          extension  and  the  superficial  and  deep  digital                                                                                in Standardbreds:  40  cases  (1988-1992),  J Am  Vet

                          flexor tendons  palpated.  If the tautest structure  is                                                                             Med  Assoc 206(5):674,  1995.

                          the DDFT, distal check ligament  desmotomy may                                                                                6.  Hogan  PM, Bramlage  LR: Transection  of the  acces-

                          be  beneficial.  If the  tautest  structure  is tl1e SDFT                                                                           sory  ligament  of  the  superficial  digital  flexor

                          or the superficial and  deep feel equally taut,  prox-                                                                              tendon  for  treatment  of  tendonitis:  long  term

                          imal  check  ligament  desmotomy  is  then  per-                                                                                    results  in 61 standardbred racehorses  horses  (1985-
                                                                                                                                                              1992), Equine  Vet J 27(3):221,  1995.
                          formed.  In  moderate  or  severe  cases  where  the                                                                          7.  Adams  SB,  Fessler  JF:  Proximal  check  desmo-

                          fetlock angle is greater than  180 degrees, both pro-                                                                               torny/Percutaneous  tendon splitting.  In Adams  SB,

                          cedures  are  performed.2  If  response  is  not  ade-                                                                              Fessler JF, editors:  Atlas  of equine  surgery,  Philadel-

                           quate  after  transection  of both  check  ligaments,                                                                              phia,  2000, WB Saunders,

                          tenotomy  of the  SDFT  is performed.  As discussed                                                                           8.  Alexander  GR, Gibson  KT, Day RE:  Effects of supe-

                          previously,  severe  cases have a poor  prognosis  for                                                                              rior  check  desmotomy  on  flexor  tendon  and  sus-

                           correction  because  of joint  capsule  and suspen-                                                                                pensory  ligament  strain  i11  equine  cadavers,  Vet

                           sory ligament  contracture.  These  cases are candi-                                                                               Surg  30:522, 2001.

                           dates for  fetlock arthrodesis.                                                                                               9.  Gibson  KT,  Burbdige  HM,  Pfeiffer  DU:  Super-

                                 Several, but not all, studies suggest that proxi-                                                                            ficial digital  flexor tendonitis  in thoroughbred  race

                           mal check ligament  desmotomy  increases the like-                                                                                 horses:  outcome  following  non-surgical  treatment
                                                                                                                                                               and  superior  check  desmotomy, Aust  Vet J 75:631,
                           lihood  of return  to  racing  after superficial  digital                                                                           1997.

                           flexor tendonitis.                    4-6•9   The reason  for improvement                                                   10.  Henninger  R, Bramlage  L, Schneider  R: Short term

                           is not clearly understood  but is likely related  to the                                                                            effect  of superior  check  ligament  desmotomy  and

                           functional  lengthening  of  the  superficial  digital                                                                              percutaneous  tendon  splitting  as  treatment  for

                           flexor  musculotendinous  unit  that  occurs  after                                                                                 acute  tendonitis,  Proc  Am  Assoc  Equine  Pract

                           desmotomy. When  the proximal  check ligament is                                                                                    36:539,  1990.
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