Page 31 - Natural Antioxidants, Applications in Foods of Animal Origin
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10 Natural Antioxidants: Applications in Foods of Animal Origin 1.4 EFFECT OF INTRINSIC FACTORS AND PROCESSING
Ladikos and Lougovois (1990) reported that the nature and relative propor-
tions of the compounds formed from lipid oxidation depend at least in part on
the composition of the fat of the animal from which they are derived, which
may reflect a variety of factors including the nature of diet (Pearson et al.,
1977). Additionally, factors such as processing and storage conditions, type
of ingredients and concentration of pro- or antioxidants, are very important in
determining the rate of development and the possible deteriorative effects of
lipid oxidation. Therefore, the extent of lipid oxidation can be influenced by
both intrinsic and extrinsic factors such as the content and activity of pro- and
antioxidants, endogenous ferrous iron, myoglobin, enzymes, pH, tempera-
ture, ionic strength, irradiation, oxygen consumption reaction, surface area
in contact with oxygen, water activity (a ), and the fatty acid composition of
the meat (Andreo et al., 2003; Undeland, 2001; Harris & Tall, 1994; Renerre
& Labas, 1987; Castell et al., 1965; Nawar, 1996; Slabyj & Hultin, 1984;
Undeland et al., 2003). Erickson (2003) summarized typical responses exhib-
ited by muscle tissue during storage following various treatments. Processing
treatments like bleeding, curing, smoking, glazing, edible coating, freezing
and packaging inhibit the lipid oxidation whereas mincing, salting, rinsing
with oxidizing agent, cooking, deep fat frying, and radiation promote the
lipid oxidation. However, responses by muscle foods to some processing
treatments such as washing and skinning are varied among studies.
Slaughter of animals or fish is a necessary first step in converting the
living organism to food. Slaughter methods and the accompanying bleeding
step; however, may affect lipid oxidation through alteration in the removal
of hemoglobin catalysts. For example, bleeding was a potential means in
retarding lipid oxidation, fishy odor development, and microbial growth of
Asian seabass slices during storage in ice (Maqsood & Benjakul, 2011a,
2011b). Electrostatic interactions between hemoglobin and muscle compo-
nents may be an initial step of hemoglobin-mediated lipid oxidation
(Sannaveerappa et al., 2014).
A major cause of muscle food quality deterioration is lipid oxidation and the
changes associated with it. Lipid oxidation is a complex process whereby