Page 225 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 225  Cytokine Receptors

               Cytokines act through cell surface receptors. These receptors consist
               of at least two functional units, one for ligand binding and one for

               signal transduction (Fig. 8.3). These units may or may not be on the
               same protein. Cytokine receptors can also be classified into classes
               based on their structure.

                           FIG. 8.3  The structure of a cytokine receptor, in this case, the IL-2
                             receptor complex. The complete trimer serves as a high-affinity
                            receptor, whereas the β-γ dimer serves as a low-affinity receptor.
                               Note that different receptor components each serve different

                  One class of receptor includes the channel-linked receptors,

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