Page 251 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 251

                           FIG. 9.1  The structure of a typical bacterium and the location of its
                                                most important antigens.

                  Bacterial capsules consist mainly of polysaccharides that are

               usually good antigens. The capsules protect bacteria against
               phagocytosis and intracellular destruction, whereas anticapsular
               antibodies can overcome the effects of the capsule and protect an

               infected animal. Capsular antigens are collectively called K
                  Pili and fimbriae are short projections that cover the surfaces of
               some Gram-negative bacteria; they are classified as F or K antigens.
               Pili bind bacteria together and play a role in bacterial conjugation

               and movement. Fimbriae bind bacteria to cell surfaces. Antibodies
               to fimbrial proteins may be protective since they can prevent
               bacteria from sticking to body surfaces. Bacterial flagella are long

               filaments used for bacterial movement. They consist of a single
               protein called flagellin. Flagellar antigens are collectively called H
                  Other significant bacterial antigens include the porins, the heat-
               shock proteins, and the exotoxins. The porins are proteins that form

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