Page 249 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 249

these antigens, makes some improvements, and, by adapting,  responds even more effectively when it encounters these organisms

                  Since the function of the adaptive immune system is to defend

               the body against invading microorganisms, it is essential that these
               organisms be recognized as soon as they invade the body. The body
               must be able to recognize that these are foreign (and dangerous) if
               they are to stimulate an immune response. The innate immune

               system recognizes only a limited number of PAMPs—those that are
               characteristic of major groups of pathogens. The adaptive immune
               system, in contrast, uses receptors that can bind and respond to
               almost all the foreign macromolecules present in an invading

               microorganism. These foreign macromolecules are called antigens.

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