Page 294 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 294

                            FIG. 10.10  The processing of exogenous antigen by an antigen-
                              presenting cell. Ingested antigens are taken into phagosomes
                           where they are fragmented by proteases. Peptides are then carried
                            to the endosomal compartments where the antigenic peptides are
                              placed in the binding grooves of MHC class II molecules. The
                            antigen-MHC complexes are then carried to the cell surface where
                                           they are presented to helper T cells.

                  Exogenous antigen processing involves multiple steps. First, the
               antigen must be endocytosed and taken into phagosomes. These
               phagosomes then fuse with lysosomes. The ingested proteins are

               broken up by the lysosomal proteases into peptide fragments of
               varying length. The endosomes containing these peptide fragments
               then fuse with other endosomes carrying newly synthesized MHC
               class II molecules to generate the lysosome-MHC class II

               compartment (MIIC). Endogenous antigens may also enter the
               MIIC through autophagy (Chapter 5).
                  Newly synthesized MHC class II chains are translocated to the
               endosomes, where, together with a peptide called the invariant
               chain (Ii), they form a protein complex. The Ii occupies the MHC

               antigen-binding site. This complex travels to the MIIC, where the Ii
               is digested, leaving a small peptide called the class II-associated Ii
               peptide (CLIP), filling the MHC antigen-binding groove. When

               antigen-containing phagosomes fuse with the MHC-containing

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