Page 345 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 345  mature. They are ovoid clusters of cells divided into a light and
                  Germinal centers are sites where B cells grow, mutate, and

               dark zone. Germinal centers originate when a few antigen-specific
               B cells enter a follicle and then divide rapidly to become the
               centroblasts that form the dark zone. This is the site where B cells

               proliferate and undergo a process called somatic mutation (Chapter
               15). The centroblasts eventually produce non-dividing centrocytes
               that migrate to the light zone. The light zone is the site where

               immunoglobulin class switching and memory B cell formation
               occurs (Chapter 15). Light zones are rich in antigen-trapping
               follicular dendritic cells (fDCs) and CD4  T cells (Fig. 12.11).

                               FIG. 12.11  A schematic diagram showing the structure of a
                           germinal center. The outer dark zone contains dividing and mutating
                                B cells. The central pale zone is a location where antigen-
                            presenting dendritic cells, helper T cells, and B cells interact, and
                                              where memory cells develop.

                  T cells and dendritic cells predominate in the paracortex. The
               cells are arranged in cords between the lymphatic sinuses. At the

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