Page 348 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 348

                           FIG. 12.14  Conduits consist of loosely attached fibroreticular cells
                            surrounding collagen bundles. Dendritic cell processes can reach
                                    into the conduits to sample their antigen content.


               The principle function of secondary lymphoid organs such as
               lymph nodes is to facilitate the interactions between antigen-

               presenting cells and antigen-sensitive T and B cells. Each cell must
               be guided to its appropriate contacts with great precision. A
               complex mixture of chemokines directs these cells. Thus

               chemokines drive the emigration of lymphocytes from HEVs into
               the lymph node. Once they enter the lymph node, the T and B cells
               are guided to their respective regions by chemokines secreted by
               stromal cells and follicular dendritic cells. Immature dendritic cells,
               once they encounter antigen, are also guided into lymph nodes by

               chemokines. For example, dendritic cells are attracted to the
               paracortex, where they present their antigen to T cells. Once this is
               accomplished, the dendritic cells change their chemokine receptors
               and then leave the node.

                  Lymph nodes also contain innate lymphoid cells that are located
               close to sentinel macrophages lining the lymphatic sinuses. They

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