Page 354 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 354

                           FIG. 12.18  Comparison between the major route of circulation of T
                                 cells in the pig and that in other mammals. Note that pig
                                  lymphocytes are largely confined to the bloodstream.

                  In marine mammals, lymph node structure is highly variable.
               Thus all the lymph nodes of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)

               are of conventional structure. In striped dolphins, (Stenella
               coeruleoalba), on the other hand, some lymph nodes (mesenteric, for
               example) are of conventional structure, whereas others

               (mediastinal) have the inverted structure described previously.
               Thus both forms of lymph node may be present in a single

               Hemolymph Nodes

               Hemolymph nodes are structures similar to lymph nodes found in
               association with some blood vessels of ruminants and other
               mammals. Their function is unclear. They differ from conventional

               lymph nodes in that their lymphatic sinuses contain numerous red

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