Page 463 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 463  Myelomas

               If a B cell turns cancerous it may generate a clone of
               immunoglobulin-producing tumor cells. These cells are usually

               recognizable as plasma cells (Fig. 15.20). Plasma cell tumors are
               called myelomas or plasmacytomas. Because myelomas arise from a
               single precursor cell or clone, they secrete a homogeneous
               immunoglobulin called a myeloma protein. On serum
               electrophoresis, this homogeneous myeloma protein will appear as

               a sharp, well-defined peak. This is called a monoclonal
               gammopathy (Fig. 15.21).

                            FIG. 15.20  A section of a myeloma tumor mass in a dog. Original
                           magnification ×600. These cells are clearly plasma cells. (Courtesy Dr.
                                                        B. Porter.)

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