Page 467 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 467

                             FIG. 15.23  Immunoelectrophoresis of serum from a cat with an
                            IgM-secreting myeloma. Note that the line of precipitate formed by
                              the reaction between anti-cat IgM and the myeloma serum is
                             distorted (bottom well). The line is much thicker than the control,
                            and it forms two distinct joined arcs as a result of the presence of
                           large quantities of monoclonal IgM myeloma protein. (Details of this
                             technique can be found in Chapter 42.) (Courtesy Dr. G. Elissalde.)

                  Because of the overwhelming commitment of the body's immune

               resources to the production of neoplastic plasma cells, as well as the
               replacement of normal marrow tissue by tumor cells and the
               negative feedback induced by elevated serum immunoglobulins,
               animals with myelomas are often immunosuppressed and anemic.

               In humans, renal failure and overwhelming infection are the most
               common causes of death in myeloma patients.
                  Affected animals should receive supportive therapy. Antibiotics
               can be used to control secondary infections, and fluid therapy

               should be administered to combat dehydration resulting from renal
               failure. Steroids and diuretics may assist in promoting calcium
               excretion. The serum hyperviscosity may be reduced by
               plasmapheresis to remove the myeloma protein. The tumor itself

               can be treated with specific chemotherapy. The drug of choice is
               melphalan, an alkylating agent. Prednisone may be used in
               association with melphalan. In unresponsive cases,

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