Page 469 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 469  Hybridomas

               The plasma cells in myelomas become neoplastic in an entirely
               random manner, so the immunoglobulins that they secrete are not

               usually directed against any antigen of practical importance.
               Nevertheless, myeloma cells can be grown in tissue culture, where
               they survive indefinitely. It is desirable to obtain large quantities of
               absolutely pure, specific immunoglobulins directed against an
               antigen of interest. This can be done by fusing normal plasma cells

               making the antibody of interest with myeloma cells that can grow
               in tissue culture. The resulting mixed cell is called a hybridoma.
                  The first stage in making a hybridoma is to generate antibody-

               producing plasma cells (Fig. 15.24). This is done by immunizing a
               mouse against the antigen of interest and repeating the process
               several times to ensure that a good antibody response is mounted.
               Two to four days after the antigen is administered, the spleen is
               removed and broken up to form a cell suspension. These spleen

               cells are suspended in culture medium, together with cultured
               mouse myeloma cells. Generally, myeloma cells that do not secrete
               immunoglobulins are used since this simplifies purification later

               on. Polyethylene glycol is added to the mixture. This compound
               induces many of the cells to fuse (although it takes about 200,000
               spleen cells on average to form a viable hybrid with one myeloma
               cell). If the fused cell mixture is cultured for several days, any
               unfused spleen cells will die. The myeloma cells would normally

               survive, but they are eliminated by blocking their nucleic acid

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