Page 528 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 528  Gene Conversion

               Mammals other than the human and mouse may have only a few V
               genes, and gene recombination cannot explain their

               immunoglobulin diversity. In these species, V-region diversity is
               generated by gene conversion (Fig. 17.11). Species that employ gene
               conversion must have available a supply of multiple V genes or
               pseudogenes. (Pseudogenes are segments of DNA that are defective
               and so cannot be transcribed.) During gene conversion, B cell

               cytidine deaminase inserts a uracil, which is then removed, leaving
               a gap in the nearest V gene. This gap is then filled by randomly
               selected short segments of DNA obtained from an upstream V-

               region gene or pseudogene. The “repaired” V gene will therefore
               have a different sequence than its precursor. Some of these gene
               conversion events may not generate a functional V region. In these
               cases, these defective B cells are eliminated.

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