Page 529 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 529

                              FIG. 17.11  The process of gene conversion. In this process,
                            segments of upstream genes or pseudogenes are inserted into a
                                     single V region to generate sequence diversity.

               Receptor Assembly

               When B cell antigen receptors are generated, the first chain to be
               assembled is the heavy chain. This chain is capable of generating
               much more junctional and combinatorial diversity than the light

               chain and is the major contributor to antigen binding. This heavy
               chain is linked to signal transduction molecules, and a surrogate
               partner chain is provided so that the pre-B cell can respond in a
               limited way to antigens. As a result, a small clone of B cells

               expressing only the heavy chain is formed. Signaling through this
               pre-receptor triggers limited proliferation. This is followed by the

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