Page 121 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 121

Cast Application                                 117

                                A modification  of this procedure  is performed                                                                      Cast Removal

                         when  less immobilization  is required  or the  ban-

                         dage cast is used as a transition  to bandaging  alone                                                                      In  adult  horses,  casts  are  generally  removed  or

                         after a half limb cast has been removed.  The initial                                                                       replaced  within  4  to  6 weeks.  With  very  careful

                         layer  of  bandage  material  described  earlier  is                                                                        monitoring,  an adult  horse  showing  no problems

                         placed without Vetrap, and a second identical layer                                                                         may wear a cast up to 6 to 8 weeks.  In young foals,

                         is placed  over the initial layer and  secured  with  an                                                                    casts  should  be  removed  in  10  to  12  days.  For

                         elastic wrap.  The  cast is then constructed  without                                                                       older  foals, casts  can  be  left  in place  for  up  to  3

                         inclusion  of the  bottom  of the foot  and  bivalved                                                                       weeks.

                         at the first bandage change (Figure  19-12, A to C).                                                                              For  orthopedic  support,  cast  application  is
                                                                                                                                                     often  necessary  for  8  weeks.  For  wound  support,

                                                                                                                                                     cast application  is required  for 2 to  3 weeks.

                         POSTOPERATIVE  CARE                                                                                                               Casts  are  removed  with  an  oscillating  cast

                                                                                                                                                     cutter  and  cast spreaders.  The medial and  lateral

                             P,o.sto erative Gare                                                                                                    sides  of the  entire  length  of the  cast  are  cut  full

                                                                                                                                                     thickness  with  an  oscillating  saw  (Figure  19-14).

                             Bandagng:  A support  bandage  and foot  eleva-                                                                         The cast spreaders  are then inserted in the cut line

                            tion  are  often  applied  to  the  contralateral  lrmb9                                                                 and  the  cast  pried  open  (Figure  19-15).  The
                             (Figure  19-13).  In  cases of severe  injury,  support

                            to  the  contralateral  limb  is  essential  to  decrease                                                                underlying  stockinette is then cut, and the  cast is

                            the  risks  of contralateral  limb  laminitis.  This  can be                                                             removed  from  the  limb. When  the  oscillating  saw

                             provided  in  the form  of frog  and  caudal  support,                                                                  has penetrated  the  depth  of the  cast, a character-

                             heel  elevation,  and  decreased  breakover.  Com-                                                                      istic «give" is felt. The  cast  cutters  should  not be

                             mercial  shoes are  available  and work well  for this                                                                  dragged  back  and  forth  along  an  area  to  be  cut.

                             purpose"                                                                                                                Even  pressure  should  be  applied  without moving

                             Exercise Restridions:  Horses with  casts should                                                                        the  saw until  the  cast has penetrated  the depth  of

                             be confined  to a  stall.  After cast removal,  exercise                                                                the  cast.  The  cast  cutters  are  then  removed  and

                             must  be  gradually  increased  to  avoid  overloading                                                                  reinserted  so that the previously  cut area  is over-

                             articular  cartilage,  bone,  and  soft  tissues.  The                                                                 lapping  halfway with the  next  area to be  cut. Cast

                             longer  the  period  of  immobilization,  the  more                                                                     spreaders  should  not be  inserted  until the entire

                             important  and  gradual  is  this  reintroduction                                                                       length  of cast is cut. If the thickness of the  cast is

                             period.  .
                                                                                                                                                     symmetrical  and  the  layers  of casting  tape  have

                         "Redden Modified Ultimate; Nanric  Inc.,  Versailles, Ky.                                                                   cured  in  a  one-layer  cast, removal  is straightfor-

                                        A                                                                         B                                                                  c

                          Figure  19-12                     A bandage  cast  used  for  transition  to  bandaging  after traditional  half limb  casting.  A,  The  casting

                         material  is placed  over a double  layer of bandage  material.  B, At the first  desired  bandage  change,  the  bandage  cast is

                         split  into  two halves,  C, After  the  bandage  is changed,  the  halves  are  supported  with  duct tape,  allowing  subsequent

                         bandage  changes  to  be performed  as needed.
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