Page 120 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 120
Figure 19-9 Applying acrylic to protect the bottom Figure 19-11 A foot cast used to protect hoof wall
of the cast from excessive wear. injuries or aid in third phalanx fracture stabilization.
joint dorsally or the proximal sesamoid bones
palmarly or plantarly.5
Foot Cast
Foot casts terminate just below the coronary band
on the hoof wall (Figure 19-11). They can be used
in the management of hoof wall injuries or coffin
bone fractures.7 Felt padding should be applied to
the heel bulb region. Two-inch casting material is
used to allow for adequate contouring. Acrylic is
placed on the bottom of the cast to decrease wear.
Figure 19-10 Applying a distal limb cast.
Bandage Cast
Distal Limb Cast Bandage casts are used when frequent access to
the limb is desired or as reduced support in the
This cast terminates at the proximal pastern, transition from a traditional half limb cast to ban-
allowing fetlock flexion and extension (Figure 19- daging. Two or three pieces of thin sheet cotton
10). Distal limb casts are most commonly used in are rolled around the limb and secured with
the treatment of heel bulb and distal pastern and brown roll gauze. Vetrap" is then applied. The
coronary band lacerations.5•6 The palmar-plantar foot is included in the wrap for increased immo-
aspect of the cast is slightly shorter than the bilization. Orthopedic felt is applied at the proxi-
dorsal aspect of the cast to allow for fetlock exten- mal limit of the cast. Application of custom foam
sion. Stockinette is applied and felt padding is support is recommended but optional. The cast is
placed around the proximal aspect of the first then constructed with the desired amount of
phalanx. The limb is cast in a weight-bearing posi- casting tape (generally five or six rolls of 4-inch
tion. Cast padding and 2- or 3-inch cast material casting tape). Acrylic is applied to protect the foot.
is used to allow for adequate contouring. Acrylic At the first required bandage change, the cast is
is placed on the bottom of the foot to decrease cut with an oscillating saw along the medial and
wear. The heel is not typically elevated. Deter- lateral or dorsal and palmar aspects. The bandage
mining the optimal weight-bearing position of is then changed, and the two halves are reapplied
the fetlock is difficult and is best assessed when and secured with duct tape. 8
the cast has cured and the lim b is bearing weight.
In some cases, the cast may have to be trimmed "Vetrap; Animal Care Products, 3M Health Care, St. Paul,
back slightly if it appears to impinge on the fetlock Minn.