Page 115 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 115

Palmar-Plantar  Digital  Neurectomy                                                111

                      Perineural Capping

                      Perineural  capping of the proximal nerve end may

                     be  performed  in  an  attempt  to  decrease  painful

                      neuroma  formation.'  Controlled  studies  with

                      high  case  numbers  are  lacking,  but  if  the  tech-

                      nique can be performed  atraumatically  it is likely

                     beneficial.  The palmar digital nerve is isolated and

                      exposed  as for the guillotine  technique.  The distal

                      end  of the nerve  is severed.  The  end  of the prox-

                      imal nerve is grasped  with hemostats,  and  Gerald

                      or  similar  dressing  forceps  are  used  to  free the

                      combined  epineurium  and  perineurium                                                             (per-

                      ineural  sleeve)  from  the  nerve  (Figure  18-8,  A                                                                      A

                      and B).  After  freeing  of the  perineural  sleeve, the

                      proximal end  of the  nerve is sharply transected.  If

                      sufficient  nerve  length  is  available,  two  partial

                      incisions  in  the  nerve  can  be  made  before  tran-

                      secting the  nerve, The  purpose  of these incisions

                      is to  slow  axon  regeneration  and  allow increased

                      time  for  the perineural  capping seal.'  After nerve

                      transection,  the  edge  of  the  perineural  sleeve  is

                      grasped  and  pulled  over  the  nerve  (Figure  18-8,

                      C).  The perineural  sleeve is closed  with one or two

                      interrupted  sutures  using  4-0  absorbable  suture.

                      Subcutaneous  and  skin  closures  are  routine.

                             Other  techniques  for  neurectomy  have  been

                      described,  including  a  method  of  tunneling  the                                                                       B

                      proximal  nerve  end  into  bone  and  the  use  of  a

                      carbon  dioxide  laser  to perform  neurectomy,  and

                      they  appear  to have good  success  rates.6•7


                      Careful  selection  of  cases  should  be  performed.

                      Significant  improvement  in lameness  after palmar

                      digital anesthesia  is important,  as well as an owner

                      who understands  potential  complications  and will

                      provide  excellent  short-  and long-term  postoper-

                      ative  management.  A  variety  of  techniques  for

                      neurectomy  are  available, but no single technique                                                                         c

                      has  proven  to be  superior.  Atraumatic  technique                                                                        Figure 18-8  Perineural  capping  on a cadaver  limb.

                      and  adequate  postoperative  rest  are the  essential                                                                     A,  The  nerve  ending  is  grasped  with  hemostats,  and

                      components  of all techniques.  Although potential                                                                         smooth-tipped  forceps are used to strip the  perineural

                      complications  of neurectomy  dictate  limited  use                                                                        sleeve  proximally.  B,  The  perineural  sleeve  has  been

                      of the procedure,  palmar  digital neurectomy  can                                                                         stripped proximally, and  the nerve is exposed.  C, After
                                                                                                                                                 severing  the  exposed  nerve, the  nerve  ending retracts
                      offer significant pain  relief and  return to  athletic                                                                    proximally within  the perineural sleeve.  The perineural

                      function  in  horses  that  have  not  responded  to                                                                       sleeve is then  closed with  No.  4-0  suture  material,

                      other  treatment  options.
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