Page 111 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 111
Palmar-Plantar Digital Neurectomy
Joanne Kramer
surgery is performed> the lateral side of the upper
forelimb and the medial side of the lower forelirnb
are operated on initially. The horse is then rolled
Chronic lameness that improves significantly after onto the opposite side and the procedures are.
palmar/plantar digital anesthesia and has not repeated. Alternatively> the horse can be placed in
improved with alternative treatment options. dorsal recumbency with the limbs extended or
Typical indications include selected cases of nav- flexed on the sternum.
icular disease, navicular bone fractures> wing frac- When possible, surgery time is decreased by
tures of the third phalanx> idiopathic heel pain, having two surgeons operate simultaneously. The
and palmar-plantar foot injuries (Figure 18-1).
circumference of the limb should be clipped and
prepared aseptically from the fetlock distally.
Specialized instruments are not required for the
guillotine or Black's method of neurectomy.
Perineural capping requires Gerald or similar The palmar-plantar branch of the palmar-plantar
smooth-tipped forceps (Figure 18-2). digital neurovascular bundle lies in the space
between the palmar/plantar border of the pastern
and the abaxial border of the deep digital flexor
POSITIONING AND PREPARATION tendon (DDFT). The nerve is just palmar/plantar
to the artery and is found just deep to the liga-
This surgery can be performed with the horse ment of the ergot. The presence of small accessory
standing or under general anesthesia. Maintaining nerve branches varies; when present, they often lie
sterile and atraumatic technique is more difficult palmar/plantar and deep to the ligament of the
during standing surgery because of the proximity ergot.
of the ground and inadvertent limb movement.
Standing surgery is performed with the horse
under sedation with local anesthetic over the PROCEDURE
palmar digital nerves at the level of the sesamoid
bones. Peripheral anesthesia is also beneficial A 3-cm skin incision is made over the abaxial
when the surgery is performed under general border of the DDFT in the mid to distal pastern
anesthesia. region (Figure 18-3, A). The incision is extended
Horses under general anesthesia are placed in carefully through the subcutaneous tissue. Blunt
lateral or dorsal recumbency. 'When bilateral dissection is used to isolate the palmar digital