Page 183 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 183


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                                                                                                CHAPTER                                                                  33

                                                                                             Temporary Tarsorrhaphy

                                                                                                                Laurence  E.  Galle

                                                                                                                                                  eyelids  are  composed  of  skin,  muscle,  a  fibrous

                       INDICATIONS                                                                                                                tarsal  plate,  and  conjunctiva  from  the  external  to

                                                                                                                                                  internal  surfaces.  The  rneibomian  glands  are

                       A temporary  tarsorrhaphy  is performed  to  pro-                                                                          buried  within  the  distal  end  of the  fibrous  con-

                      vide  temporary  decreased  exposure  of the  globe,                                                                        nective  tissue  tarsal  plate  with  openings  in  the

                       protection  of  the  cornea,  or  both."?  It  is  most                                                                    eyelid margin.  Well-developed  cilia (eyelashes) are

                       often  used to protect  a11 ulcerated  cornea  but may                                                                     on  the t1pper eyelid"  (see Figure  28-2).

                       also  be  used  to  maximize  eyelid  closure  when

                       excessive  corneal  exposure  is  likely  ( e.g.,  facial

                       nerve  [CNVII]  paralysis-paresisj.l"                                                                                       PROCEDURE

                                                                                                                                                   The  skin  of  the  dorsal  eyelid  is  grasped  with

                        EQUIPMENT                                                                                                                  forceps,  and a  simple  horizontal  mattress  suture

                                                                                                                                                   of  No.  2-0  or  No.  3-0  monofilament  nylon  is

                        Derf  needle  drivers,  Bishop-Harmon  ophthalmic                                                                          placed  using  a curved  cutting  needle.  The  suture

                        forceps,  and general  operating  scissors  are neces-                                                                     pattern  is  started  5  mm  from  the  dorsal  eyelid

                        sary for this  procedure.                                                                                                  margin,  and the  needle  should  be  inserted  down

                                                                                                                                                   to, but  not through,  the  fibrous  tarsal  plate.  The

                                                                                                                                                    needle  should  be  advanced  such  that  it  exits  the

                        PREPARATION AND POSITIONING                                                                                                 eyelid margin  slightly anterior  to  the  meibomian

                                                                                                                                                    gland  orifices.  The  horizontal  mattress  suture

                        This  procedure  is  most  easily  performed  using                                                                         crosses  the  palpebral  fissure,  is  inserted  into  the

                         general  anesthesia  with  the  patient  in  lateral                                                                       ventral eyelid margin  slightly anterior  to the 111ei-

                         recumbency,  It  can  be  performed,  however,  in  a                                                                      bomian gland  orifices, and  should  exit the  eyelid

                         standing  patient  with  heavy  sedation  and  appro-                                                                      skin  approximately  5  mm  from  the  eyelid.  This

                         priate  nerve  blocks  to  obtain  eyelid akinesia  and                                                                    completes  half  of the  mattress  suture.  The  hori-

                         sensory  anesthesia.                                                                                                       zontal  mattress  suture is completed  by placing  the

                                                                                                                                                    suture  from  the ventral  to  dorsal  eyelid using  the

                                                                                                                                                     same depth  of suture  placement  as in the first half

                         ANATOMY                                                                                                                     of the suture  placement.  The number  and  spacing

                                                                                                                                                     of the horizontal  mattress  sutures  are determined

                         A thorough  understanding  of  eyelid  anatomy  is                                                                          by the surgeon.7'8  Stents may be used to minimize

                          imperative  for  appropriate  suture  placement  in  a                                                                     cutting  of the  suture  into  the  eyelid.8  The  eyelids

                          temporary  tarsorrhaphy.  The  major  layers of the                                                                        may be  completely  closed with this technique,  or

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