Page 182 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 182
tal foramen and 2 to 3 mL of 20/o lidocaine are needle within the foramen in fractious patients.
injected.1 Surgical exploration to remove the needle is nec-
The palpebral nerve is located by palpation essary if this latter complication occurs.
along the dorsal aspect of the zygomatic arch with
the index finger. A 25-gauge needle is inserted
through the skin adjacent to the nerve as it crosses REFERENCES
the zygomatic arch, and I to 5 mL of 2% lidocaine
are injected subcutaneously. The injection site 1. Strubbe DT, Gelatt Kl-l: Ophthalmic examination
should be gently massaged for 2 to 3 minutes. and diagnostic procedures. In Gelatt KN, editor: Vet-
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Inserting the needle directly into the supraorbital 20:285, 2004.
foramen for frontal nerve block is preferred 4. Samuelson D: Ophthalmic anatomy. In Gelatt KN,
by some clinicians but has the potential hazards editor: Veterinary ophthalmology, ed 3, Philadelphia,
of intravascular injection and breaking off the 1999, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.