Page 177 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 177



                                                                                                               Laurence  E.  Galle

                                                                                                                                                 or  No.  4-0  monofilament  nylon  or braided  silk

                     INDICATIONS                                                                                                                 suture  are  needed  to  place  temporary  tacking

                                                                                                                                                 sutures.  In addition  to these instruments, a No.  15

                     Equine  entropion  occurs  most  commonly  in                                                                               Bard-Parker  scalpel  blade  011  a  No.  10  scalpel

                     neonates  secondary  to dehydration,  septicemia, or                                                                        handle  and  Steven's tenotomy  scissors are needed

                     malnutrition.!"  Some  breeds,  however,  may  be                                                                           to  perform  a Hotz-Celsus  blepharoplasty.

                     predisposed  to  congenital  entropion  or primary

                      anatomic  entropion that is unrelated  to  systemic

                      illness.5  Primary  anatomic  entropion  and entro-

                      pion  that  occurs  as  a  complication  of  systemic                                                                      PREPARATION  AND  POSITIONING

                      illness  are  often  exacerbated  by  pain  and bleph-

                      arospasm,  which  results  in  spastic  entropion.                                                                         Tacking  sutures  are  easily  placed  in  sedated  or

                      Regardless  of  the  etiology,  entropion  in  the                                                                          anesthetized  patients  using  appropriate  local

                      neonate  should  be initially managed  with  tempo-                                                                         anesthesia-akinesia.  Anesthesia  or sedation, how-

                      rary tacking  sutures  rather than a permanent sur-                                                                         ever,  is  often  contraindicated  in  patients  with

                      gical procedure.  The  usefulness  of such  everting                                                                        systemic  illnesses  that  are  frequently  responsible

                      sutures  is  twofold.  For  spastic  entropion,  they                                                                       for  entropion.  The  eyelids  of  most  debilitated

                      prevent  corneal  irritation  and  discomfort  resul-                                                                       neonates  can be tacked  with only local anesthesia

                      tant to  cilia and  hair of the eyelids contacting  the                                                                     and  akinesia, and this is often  performed with the

                       corneal  surface, thus breaking the cycle of corneal                                                                       patients  restrained  in  lateral  recumbency.  Hotz-

                      pain  and  blepharospasm.  For  secondary  entro-                                                                           Celsus blepharoplasty  is also performed with  the

                       pion,  the  sutures  maintain  a  more  normal                                                                             patient in lateral recumbencywith the affected eye

                       anatomic  relationship  of the  cornea  and  eyelids                                                                       upward,  but this  requires  general  anesthesia.

                       while  the  underlying  illnesses  are  resolved.  If

                       entropion  persists  after  repeated  tacking  suture

                       procedures  have failed, then a permanent method                                                                           ANATOMY

                       of  correction,  the  Hotz-Celsus  blepharoplasty

                       technique,  may be  necessary.                                                                                              The  major  layers  of  the  eyelids,  from  external

                                                                                                                                                   to  internal,  are  skin,  orbicularis  oculi  muscle,

                                                                                                                                                   fibrous  tarsal  plate,  and conjunctiva.  The  eyelids

                       EQUIPMENT                                                                                                                   are covered  with hair  to  within 2  to  3  111m  of the

                                                                                                                                                   eyelid  margin,  and  well-developed  cilia  ( eye-

                        Bishop-Harmon  tissue  forceps,  Derf  needle                                                                              lashes)  are  on  the  upper  eyelid'"  (see  Figure

                        drivers,  general  operating  scissors,  and  a No.  3-0                                                                   28-2).

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