Page 172 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 172


                                                                                                  Eyelid Laceration Repair

                                                                                                                   Laurence  E.  Galle

                         INDICATIONS                                                                                                                PROCEDURE AND PREPARATION

                        Simple  traumatic                              eyelid  lacerations  can  be                                                 The  surgical  site is cleaned  of debris  with  gentle

                        repaired  with  simple,  multilayer  suturing  tech-                                                                        lavage with  saline  or a 1:50  dilution  of povidone-

                        niques.  If, however,  defects  are  excessively large                                                                      iodine  solution.  Necrotic  tissue  is  identified  and

                        with  significant  loss of eyelid tissue  from  devital-                                                                    debrided,  leaving  as much  viable  eyelid tissue  as

                        ization  or necrosis, advanced blepharoplastic  tech-                                                                       possible.3•6  If the  laceration  involves  the  lacrimal

                        niques  may be required.':'                                                                                                 canaliculus  near  the medial  canthus,  then tempo-

                                                                                                                                                    rary  cannulation  of the  affected  canaliculus  prior

                        EQUIPMENT                                                                                                                  to suturing  is necessary to align the lacerated  ends

                                                                                                                                                    of the canaliculus  during  suturing.1•7  Subconjunc-

                        General surgical pack, Derf needle drivers, Bishop-                                                                        tival  connective  tissue  is  closed  using  No.  3-0

                        Harmon tissue forceps, Stevens tenotomy  scissors.                                                                         or No.  4-0 absorbable  simple  horizontal  mattress

                                                                                                                                                   sutures.  The first suture  should  be placed  adjacent

                        POSITIONING                                                                                                                to  the  eyelid  margin  to  provide  optimal  eyelid

                                                                                                                                                   margin  apposition,  and  subsequent  sutures  are

                                                                                                                                                   placed  toward  the  apex  of  the  incision.  Eyelid
                        Although  some minor lacerations  may be repaired                                                                          lacerations  should  be  repaired  with  a  minimum

                        with  standing  sedation-anesthesia  and  appropri-                                                                        of two suture  layers  (i.e.,  subconjunctival  sutures

                        ate  local  anesthesia-akinesia,  general  anesthesia                                                                      and  skin  sutures);  however,  excessive  tension

                        with  the patient in  lateral  recumbency  is recom-
                                                                                                                                                   across  the  laceration  or  significantly  compro-

                        mended  for most  eyelid lacerations.1•3
                                                                                                                                                   mised  eyelids  may  req11ire an  additional  suture

                                                                                                                                                   pattern  or  a  temporary  tarsorrhaphy.  Skin  clo-
                       ANATOMY                                                                                                                     sure  is  performed  with  No.  3-0  monofilament

                                                                                                                                                   nylon  suture.  The  first skin  suture  to  be placed  is

                       The  four  major  layers of the eyelid, from  external                                                                      a figure-of-eight  suture  within  the eyelid margin

                       to  internal,  are  skin,  orbicularis  oculi  muscle,                                                                      to  provide  optimal  eyelid  margin  apposition=

                       fibrous  tarsal  plate,  and conjunctiva'"  (see Figure                                                                     (Figure  29-1).  The remainder  of the skin is closed

                       28-2).                                                                                                                      in a simple  interrupted patrern.

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