Page 175 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 175

Enucleation-Transconjunctival  and Transpalpebral                                                               171

                                                                                                                          Zygomatic  process  of
                                                   lnfratrochlear  notch                                                           frontal  bone                                Zygomatic  process  of

                                                                                                                                                                                       temporal  bone
                                                                                                                                                  ---                                            -·-··-··-  --

                                Caudal  lacrimal  process                                                                  ....... ~                                                                             -- ---........    ·-  ---

                               Fossa of  lacrimal  sac





                                                                                                                                                                       Caudal  alar foramen

                                                                                                                             Temporal  process

                                                                                                                             of  zygomatic  bone

                                                                            Figure 30-1  Schematic  demonstrating  the  horse's bony  orbit.

                         Using  delicate  toothed  forceps,  such  as  Bishop-                                                                      globe,  the  optic  nerve  is  isolated  and  clamped

                         Harmon  tissue  forceps,  the  conjunctiva  is gently                                                                       approximately  4  to  5  mm  caudal  to  the  sclera.

                         grasped  adjacent  to the limbus  and tented,  and the                                                                      Using  curved  Metzenbaum  scissors  or  enuclea-

                         conjunctiva  is snipped  approximately  2 mm  from                                                                          tion  scissors,  the  optic  nerve  is  transected

                         the  limbus  with  Steven's  tenotomy  scissors  to                                                                         between  the sclera and  the clamp  to leave approx-

                         create  an incision.  A peritomy  (360° conjunctiva!                                                                        imately  2 to  3 mm of optic  nerve  attached  to  the

                         mcision  adjacent  to  the  limbus)  is  performed                                                                          enucleated  globe.  The  conjunctiva,  third  eyelid,

                         using  blunt  and  sharp  dissection  with  Steven's                                                                        and  third  eyelid  gland  are  removed  using  Met-

                          tenotomy  scissors, leaving approximately  2 mm  of                                                                        zenbaum  scissors.  The  eyelid margins  are excised

                          conjunctiva  attached  to  the  Iimbus  for  grasping                                                                      from  the  eyelids  approximately  4 mm  from  the

                          with  forceps  for globe manipulation  (Figure 30-2,                                                                        eyelid  margin  using  Mayo  scissors.  Hemostasis

                          A  and  B).  The  dense  fibrous  connective  tissue                                                                        during  removal  of  the  conjunctiva  and  eyelid

                          attachment  of  Tenon's  fascia  is  grasped  and                                                                           margins  is  provided  with  hemostatic  clamps

                          incised  with  tenotomy  scissors.  Tenon's  capsule  is                                                                    or  electrocautery.  The  surgical  site  is  closed  in

                          incised  near  its  insertion  over  its  circumference,                                                                    three  layers. A simple  continuous  pattern  of No.

                           and  the  extraocular  muscles  and  fascial  attach-                                                                      3-0  absorbable  suture  is used  to  close  the  fascia

                           ments  are  transected  at  their  insertions  using                                                                       and  connective  tissue  attached  to  the  orbital  rim

                           curved  Metzenbaum  scissors  or  curved  Steven's                                                                         in  a  manner  to  create  a  diaphragm  to  minimize

     I                     tenotomy  scissors. Avoiding rostral  traction  of the                                                                     concavity  postoperatively.  A  simple  continuous
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