Page 202 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 202
A Figure 35-6 The tail of the epididymis exposed in an
incomplete abdominal cryptorchid.
Figure 35-5 A, First view of a11 inguinal testicle .x:
(arrow). B, An inguinal testicle after exteriorization Figure 35- 7 After identification of the tail of the
epididymis in Figure 35-6, traction 011 a long proper
ligament resulted in exteriorization of the abdominal
(scrotal ligament).2 The inguinal extension of the
gubernaculum is palpable as a fibrous band such If the inguinal extension of the gubernaculum
that when tension is placed on it, it can be is not located, the vaginal process can often be
observed to descend into the inguinal canal. The found by palpating a thin cordlike structure in the
size of the inguinal extension of the gubernacu- depression of the deep inguinal ring and by placing
lum varies but is generally less than 1 cm. Light a curved sponge forceps in the deep inguinal ring
traction on the inguinal extension of the guber- and carefully everting the vaginal process':' (Figure
naculum and blunt dissection to loosen tissue 35-8). Opening the vaginal process reveals the lig-
around the structure in the inguinal canal result ament of the tail of the epididymis, which can be
in exposure of the vaginal process (see Figures 35- used to find the epididymis and testicle. In some
3 and 35-4). The vaginal process is then incised, cases the vaginal ring must be enlarged to allow
and the epididymis or ligament of the tail of the the testes to be exteriorized. This can be done
epididymis is used to retrieve the testicle from the manually with a finger or with Metzenbaum
abdomen. scissors.