Page 206 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 206

CHAPTER                                                                   36


                                                                                                                       Joanne  Kramer

                                                                                                                                                      performed  when  lesions  are  located  anywhere

                           INDICATIONS                                                                                                                from the internal  lamina  of the external fold to the

                                                                                                                                                      inner  lamina  of the preputial  fold.
                           Circumcision  is indicated  for removal  of neoplas-

                           tic tissue,  granulomas,  or  other  masses  from  the

                           sheath  (Figure  36-1).  It  is  also  indicated  for                                                                      PROCEDURE

                           removal  of  preputial  scar  tissue  that  prevents

                           penile retraction  or extension.                                                                                           Two parallel  circumferential  incisions  are  made

                                                                                                                                                      around  the  prepuce  proximal  and  distal  to  the

                                                                                                                                                       affected  region  (Figure  36-3).  A plane  of dissec-

                           EQUIPMENT                                                                                                                   tion  is established  deeper  than the affected  tissue

                                                                                                                                                       but superficial  to the deep fascia of the penis.  The

                           A tourniquet  is optional.                                                                                                  entire  region  between  the  circumferential  inci-

                                                                                                                                                       sions  is undermined  and  removed  by  creating  a

                                                                                                                                                       longitudinal  incision  between  the  circumferential

                            POSITIONING  AND  PREPARATION                                                                                              incisions  (Figure  36-4). Subcutaneous  vessels may

                                                                                                                                                       require  ligation.  If a tourniquet  has  been  used,  it

                            The  horse  is  positioned  in  dorsal  recumbency

                            under  general  anesthesia.  The  penis  is  extended,

                            and  the prepuce  and  shaft  of penis  are prepared

                            for  aseptic  surgery.


                            The  prepuce  has two  infoldings,  which  allow for

                             retraction  of the  penis  into  the  preputial  cavity.

                            The  first of these  infoldings is the  external  fold of

                             the  prepuce  consisting  of  the  external  lamina,

                             preputial                ostium,  and  internal  lamina.  The

                             second  infolding  is  the  preputial  fold  consisting

                             of  the  outer  lamina  of  the  preputial  fold,  the                                                                     Figure  36-1                    Squamous  cell carcinoma  involving the

                             preputial  ring,  and  the  inner  lamina  of  the                                                                         prepuce.  This  lesion  was  removed  successfully  by
                                                                                                                                                                         . .
                             preputial  fold  (Figure  36-2).  Circumcision  can be                                                                     circumcision.

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