Page 215 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 215
Perineal Urethrotomy in Males
Gal Keltner
. ,
1.5 cm in the urethral isthmus and penile urethra.
The urethralis muscle envelops the pelvic urethra.
The corpus spongiosum penis surrounds the
Treatment of urolithiasis involving the bladder urethra, and the bulbospongiosus muscle lies
and urethra, urethral rents causing hemosperrnia caudal to the pelvic urethra and beco1nes ventral
in stallions and hematuria in geldings, and tem- to the penile urethra distally. The symmetrical
porary urine diversion for urethral obstructive retractor penis muscle covers the bulbospongio-
lesions, such as hematoma, neoplasia (e.g., squa- sus and lies beneath the subcutaneous tissue at the
mous cell carcinoma), or parasitic granuloma perineal region.
(e.g., habronerniasis).!"
A male urinary catheter is helpful for urethra iden- PROCEDURE
tification during surgery. When using urethro-
tomy to treat urolithiasis, special equipment such A vertical incision starts 4 to 6 cm distal to the
as a custom-made lithotrite may be necessary. anus and extends ventrally for 8 to 10 cm through
the median raphae skin and subcutaneous tissue
(Figure 38-1). The incision should not extend
ventral to the ischium in order to prevent urine
spraying on the limbs and subsequent scald for-
The horse should be standing in stocks with the mation. The retractor penis muscles are separated
use of systemic sedation and epidural analge- on midline and reflected laterally (Figure 38-2).
sia. An alternative to epidural anesthesia is an The bulbospongiosus muscle is exposed and
inverted-V block L1siI1g local anesthetic. Manual incised. Hemorrhage is expected, at this stage,
emptying of feces from the rectum is followed by and is controlled by applying light pressure using
clipping, tail wrapping, and surgical preparation surgical gauze. The incision continues through
of the perineal region.
the corpus spongiosum penis and the urethral
wall. Urethral lumen entry is verified by visualiz-
ANATOMY ing and palpating the urinary catheter (Figure
38-3). The catheter helps to prevent both acci-
The male pelvic urethra is about 12 cm long and dental deviation from midline and penetration of
tapers i11 diameter from 3 cm near the prostate to the cranial urethral wall.!"