Page 216 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 216
Incision site
Figure 38-3 A, Postoperative view of perineal ure-
throtomy in a gelding. At the center of the incision the
urinary catheter is visible within the urethral lumen. B,
Close-up view of a completed perineal urethrostomy.
The second layer of suture is shown depicting simple
Figure 38-1 View of the hind quarters of a gelding. interrupted sutures between the urethral mucosa and
The interrupted line depicts the approach for perineal the perineal skin.
:Postoperative Care
Protedion and Cleaning: The surgery site
should be kept clean, and petrolatum jelly is applied
to the perinea! region and the medial aspect of both
upper hind limbs to prevent urine scald.
Medications: Broad-spectrum systemic antibi-
otics.and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory medication
such as phenvlbutazone are given perioperatively
for 3 to 5 days.
Exercise Restridions: Stallions need to avoid
sexual activity for 4 to 6 weeks.
Dietary Modifications: Adding salt to the feed,
~~- at 1 O/o of the horse's diet, may encourage ti ink-
ing and aid in preventing recurrence of urolithia-
Figure 38-2 Intraoperative view, showing perineal sis.5
urethrotomy of a gelding with a urinary catheter in Other: Hemorrhage should be monitored for the
place. The illustration depicts the incision through the first 24 hours. Dripping of blood from the incision
skin and subcutaneous tissue and between the retrac- and terminal hematuria are expected for up to 2
tor penis muscles. The deep layer shown at the center weeks postoperatively.
of the incision is the bulbospongiosus muscle.