Page 222 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
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normal conformation. Improving the physical
COMMENTS condition of these mares results in improved per-
ineal conformation. With age and repeated foal-
For maximum reproductive function, the dorsal ings, the vulva lengthens and vulva conformation
commissure of the vulva should extend no more becomes more horizontal relative to the pelvic
than 4 to 5 cm dorsal to the ischiatic tuber, brim because of general organ and muscle relax-
meaning that approximately two thirds of the I
ation in the pelvic region.4
vulvar cleft is below the ischiatic tuber.4 The
vulvar labiae should be oriented vertically with a
cranial-to-caudal slope of no more than 10 de-
grees from vertical. A distance of more than 4 cm REFERENCES
between the dorsal commissure of the vulva
and the ischiatic tuber and/or an angle of more 1. Anasari MM: The Caslick's operation in mares,
than 10 degrees in the declination of the vulvar Comp Cont Educ Vet 5:s107, 1983.
labiae is associated with poor perineal conforma- 2. Beard W: Standing urogenital surgery, Vet Clin N Am I
Equine Pract 7:669, 1991.
tion and increases the likelihood of pneu- 3. Turner AS, Mcllwrath CW: Techniques in large
rnovagina." Variations in perineal conformation animal surgery, ed 2, Philadelphia, 1989, Lea &
have many causes, including inherent conforma- Febiger.
tion, poor physical condition, and age. A flat 4. Trotter GW, McKinnon AO: Surgery for abnormal
croup, elevated tail set, under-developed vulvar vulvar and perinea! conformation in the mare, Vet
labiae, and sunken anus all contribute to faulty Clin N Am Equine Pract 4:389, 1988.
perineal conformation. Poor physical condition 5. Easley J: External perinea! conformation. In McKin-
intensifies the problem and can result in abnor- non AO, Voss JL, editors: Equine reproduction,
mal conformation in mares with otherwise Philadelphia, 1993, Lea & Febiger.