Page 223 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 223


                                                             Perineal Body Reconstruction (Episioplasty)

                                                                                                                      John  C. Janicek

                        INDICATION                                                                                                                  tissue  required  to  develop  a  dorsal  commissure

                                                                                                                                                    that  will  provide  an  adequate  vaginal  seal.  The

                                                                                                                                                    length required  is typically 4 to 6 cm.  The incision
                        Pneumovagina  or persistent  endometritis  follow-                                                                          is then  extended  dorsocranially  until  the  cranial

                        ing Caslick's procedure.
                                                                                                                                                    portion  terminates  on  the  dorsal  midline  at the

                                                                                                                                                    vestibulovaginal  junction  (Figure  40-1).  The  tri-

                        EQUIPMENT                                                                                                                   angular  mucosa! flaps are then resected from  both

                                                                                                                                                    sides of the vestibule.  The resultant  exposed  sub-

                        No  special equipment  is required.                                                                                         mucosa  forms  a  right-angled  triangle  with  the

                                                                                                                                                    right angle  located  along  the  dorsal  commissure

                                                                                                                                                    of the vulva1  (Figure 40-2).

                        PREPARATION AND POSITIONING                                                                                                        Closure  of  the  ventral  vestibular  mucosal

                                                                                                                                                    margins  is performed cranial to caudal with  No.  2-

                        The mare is restrained  standing  in a stock, and the                                                                       O absorbable suture  iJ.1 a simple continuous pattern/

                        procedure  is  performed  with  either  epidural  or                                                                        (Figure  40-3).  Deeper  submucosal  tissues  are

                        local  perinea!  body  anesthesia,  and  sedation  if                                                                       apposed  with  No.  2-0  absorbable  suture  using  a

                        necessary.  Once  anesthesia  is  confirmed,  the  tail                                                                     simple  interrupted  pattern.  Caslick's procedure  is

                        is wrapped  and securely retracted.  Fecal material  is                                                                     performed  to  appose  the  vulvar  opening  (Figure

                        removed  from  the  rectum.  The perineal  region  is                                                                       40-4).

                        then rinsed  and aseptically prepared.  Sterile saline

                        is  used  instead  of  alcohol  to  remove  antiseptic

                        soaps, because  alcohol  may cause excessive irrita-                                                                        POSTOPERATVE  CARE


                                                                                                                                                       Postoperative Care

                                                                                                                                                       Exercise  Restridions:  Small-paddock  turnout
                        PROCEDURE                                                                                                                      should  be  maintained  for  14 days.

                                                                                                                                                       Medications:                       Broad-spectrum  antibiotics  are

                        Vulvar retraction  is maintained  with towel clamps                                                                            administered  for 7 to  1 O days.  A nonsteroidal  anti-

                         or  stay  sutures  positioned  lateral  to  the  dorsal                                                                       inflammatory  agent  is  administered  for  3  to  5

                        vulvar commissure.  In this  procedure,  triangular                                                                            days.

                         areas  of mucosa  are  removed  from  the  perinea!                                                                           Suture Removal:  Caslick's  sutures  are  removed

                        body. An incision  is made  along the vulvar muco-                                                                              l O to  14  days  after  surgery.

                         cutaneous  margin  of both labiae beginning  at the                                                                           Other:  Sexual  rest  for  4 to  6  weeks  is  recom-

                         dorsal  commissure,  extending  to  the  desired                                                                              mended.  Prior  to  foaling  (3  to  5  days),  an  epi-

                        ventral  limit.'  The  ventral  limit of the  incision  is                                                                     siotoiliy  should  be  performed  to  prevent  perinea!
                                                                                                                                                       damage  during  parturition.
                        subjectively chosen by determining  the amount of

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