Page 250 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 250


                                                                                                 Inguinal Herniorrhaphy

                                                                                                                   David A.  Wilson

                        INDICATIONS                                                                                                              . ANATOMY

                        Repair of congenital  inguinal  hernias  is indicated                                                                       The  primary  structures  involved  in  congenital

                        for hernias  that have not resolved by 3 to 6 months                                                                        inguinal  hernia repair are the superficial  and  deep

                        of age, for hernias  that are gradually increasing  in                                                                      inguinal  rings,  the  inguinal  canal,  the  vaginal

                        size, or  in  cases in  which  owners  request  elective                                                                    tunic  and  vaginal  ring,  the  testicles, and the  in-

                        repair.':"  Foals  with  large  hernias  that  have rup-                                                                    testine  within  the  hernial  sac.  The  superficial

                         tured  into  the  subcutaneous  space  or  exhibit                                                                         inguinal  ring is formed  by a slit in the  aponeuro-

                         clinical  signs  of  abdominal  pain  should  not  be                                                                      sis  of  the  external  abdominal  oblique.  Its  lateral

                         repaired  in  the  field  because  of the  difficulty  in                                                                  border  continues  as the  femoral  fascia, which  is

                         reducing  these  hernias  and  the potential need  for                                                                     the  medial  fascia of the  thigh.  The  deep  inguinal

                         abdominal  exploration.                                                                                                    ring  is formed  by the internal  abdominal  oblique

                                                                                                                                                    muscle and  arcus  inguinalis  (inguinal  ligament).

                         EQUIPMENT                                                                                                                  The inguinal  canal is a potential space between  the

                                                                                                                                                     deep  and  superficial  inguinal  rings.  The  vaginal

                                                                                                                                                     tunic  is an evagination  of peritoneum  that encases
                         No special  equipment is required.
                                                                                                                                                     the testicle and sperrnatic  cord. The  vaginal  ring,

                                                                                                                                                     a  transition  between  the  peritoneum  and  the

                         PREPARATION AND POSITIONING                                                                                                 vaginal tunic,  is a thickened ring that plays the role

                                                                                                                                                     of a limiting  barrier  against indirect  herniation.

                         The  horse  is placed  under  general  anesthesia  and

                         positioned  in  dorsal  recumbency.  Preoperative

                          administration  of antibiotics  ( e.g., penicillin  and                                                                    PROCEDURE

                          gentamicin)  and  nonsteroidal  antiinflammatory

                          agents  are  recommended.  The  caudoventral  ab-                                                                          Congenital  inguinal hernias  in the foal are gener-

                          domen  is  clipped  and  prepared  for  aseptic                                                                            ally classified  as indirect  inguinal  hernias  in  that

                          surgery, with  care taken  to not damage  or irritate                                                                      the intestines  pass through  an  intact  vaginal  ring                                                                      •

                          the  sensitive  inguinal  skin.  Aggressive scrubbing                                                                       and  are usually contained  within  the vaginal canal

                          and  the  use  of alcohol  should  be  avoided.  Sterile                                                                    and cavity  ( the virtual  space between  the  parietal

                          saline should be  used to ensure  complete  removal                                                                         and  visceral  layers  of  the  vaginal  tunic)  (Figure

                          of any  surgical soap.  If there  is  any  concern  that                                                                    44-1).  The  approach  is  directly  over  the  affected

                          the  reduction  may  be  prolonged,  the  bladder                                                                           inguinal  canal. A 10-cm incision  is made centered

                          should  be  catheterized  to  minimize  urine  conta-                                                                       over  the  superficial  inguinal  ring,  starting  at  its

                          mination  of the  surgery  site.                                                                                            cranial  margin  and  extending  caudal  to  the

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