Page 55 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 55

                                                                                                                                                                                          Transphysea Bridging                                          51

                                                                               -~+- Metaphysis

                                                                                ....,. n.  'ct+---P           hys is

                                                                                   ·7"--1---         Epiphysis                                                                                               I



                                                                                                                                                Figure 7-2  Hypodermic  needle in position  to  iden-

                                                                                                                                                tify the  distal radial physis. Two screws are placed  per-

                                                                                                                                                pendicular  to  the long  axis of the bone approximately

                                                                                                                                                 1  to  2 cm proximal  and  distal to the  physis.

                      Figure  7-1  A  curvilinear  incision  ( dotted  line)  is

                      made  over  the  medial  aspect  of the left  distal  radial

                      physis oriented  along the long axis of the radius, begin-

                      ning at the level of the radiocarpal  joint and extending

                      toward  the  diaphysis  of the bone  for  exposure  of the

                      epiphysis, the physis,  and 2 to 3 cm of the metaphysis.

                      beginning  at the level of the radiocarpal  joint and

                      extending  toward  the  diaphysis  of the  bone  for

                      exposure  of the epiphysis,  the physis,  and 2 to  3

                      cm of the metaphysis  (Figure 7 -1). The soft tissues                                                                                                                                    ~e~~·,.e.-~

                      are bluntly dissected and retracted.  Then 22-gauge

                                                                                                                                                  Figure 7-3  A figure of eight  wire  (18-gauge  ortho-
                       1.5-inch  needles are  placed  into  the radiocarpal                                                                       pedic wire) is placed around tl1e heads of the screws and

                      joint  space  and  the  physis.  A  1-cm  incision  is                                                                      tightened  using a wire twister  or pliers.

                      made  with  a  scalpel  through  the  collateral  liga-

                      men t midway between  the  needles  for placement

                       of the epiphyseal  screw  (Figure  7-2).  Using  radi-

                       ographic  guidance  for  screw  placement  and ori-

                       entation, a 3.2-mm pilot hole is drilled, measured,

                       and  tapped for  placement  of a 4.5-mm  screw.  As                                                                                                                    4i.9r>v.>t;:l~

                       a  general  rule,  the  epiphyseal  screw  is  placed                                                                      Figure  7-4  A second  figure  of eight  wire  is  placed

                       roughly  parallel to  the  physis, except in the distal                                                                    and tightened  as described  and the wire twists are bent

                       tibial physis, where  a shorter screw is used and the                                                                      against the bone toward  the  adjacent joint.

                       screw  must  be  angled  from  distal to  proximal  to

                       avoid  entering  the  tibiotarsal  joint.  A  40-mm-                                                                       metaphysis  and tightened incompletely.  A figure

                       length cortical  screw is inserted  into  the epiphysis                                                                     of eight wire (l8-ga11ge orthopedic wire) is placed

                       and  incompletely  tightened.  A  I-cm  incision  is                                                                        around  the  heads  of  the  screws  and  tightened

                       made  in the periosteum over the  metaphysis  at a                                                                          using  a  wire  twister  or  pliers  (Figure  7-3).  A

                       site approximately 2 to 3 cm from  the physis.  The                                                                         second  figure of eight wire is placed  and tightened

                       periosteum is  elevated,  and  a  4.5-mm  40-mm-                                                                            as described,  and the wire  twists  are  bent against

                       length  cortical  screw  is  similarly  placed  in  the                                                                     the  bone  toward  the  adjacent  joint  (Figure  7-4).

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