Page 50 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
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Chapter 6
Periosteal Transection and Elevation
Rick D. Howard
INDICATIONS between the common and lateral digital extensor
tendons, a site with minimal soft tissue overlying
the radius. The surgical approach for treatment of
Performed alone for the treatment of angular
limb deformities iI1 foals with mild to moderate tarsal valgus is over the lateral malleolus of the
deformity or in combination with transphyseal tibia just proximal to the distal tibial physis
bridging for foals with more severe deformities. (Figure 6-2). The vertical skin incision is posi-
Most commonly used for treatment of carpal tioned either just cranial or caudal to the lateral
valgus and tarsal valgus but also for varus or digital extensor tendon. The surgical approach for
valgus deformities of the metacarpophalangeal or treatment of metatarsophalangeal or metacar-
metatarsophalangeal joints. pophalangeal angular limb deformities is on. the
concave side of the limb using an approach just
proximal to the distal physis of the 3rd metacar-
EQUIPMENT pal bone or the 3rd metatarsal bone. Periosteal
transection and elevation to augment growth at
the proximal physis of the first phalanx through
A hooked surgical blade and periosteal elevator.
a11 approach just distal to the proximal physis of
tl1e 1st phalanx may be indicated in certain
Dorsal recumbency is preferred for bilateral PROCEDURE
procedures or when performed concurrent with
transphyseal bridging. Lateral recumbency is pre- Periosteal transection and elevation is performed
ferred for unilateral cases or for bilateral cases on the lateral aspect of the limb for treatment of
( with rolling) not requiring concurrent transphy- valgus deformities and on the medial aspect of the
seal bridging. limb for the treatment of varus deformities. A 3-
to 4-cm vertical incision is made in the skin and
subcutaneous tissues parallel to the long axis
ANATOMY of the bone beginning 1 to 2 cm proximal to the
physis and extending proximally. The incision is
The surgical approach for treatment of carpal carried to the level of the periosteum. Curved
valgus is over the distolateral aspect of the radius hemostatic forceps are used to bluntly dissect
just proximal to the distal radial physis (Figure between the periosteum and overlying soft tissues
6-1). The vertical skin incision is positioned extending from the distal aspect of the incision in