Page 64 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
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                                                                                                      CHAPTER  9

                                           Mid Metacarpal-Metatarsal Tendon Laceration Repair

                                                                                                                     Joanne Kramer

                        INDICATIONS                                                                                                        •       imal  to  the  navicular  bursa  within  the  hoof

                                                                                                                                                   capsule.  The  distal  end  of the  sheath and  navicu-

                                                                                                                                                   lar  bursa  are  separated  by the  transverse  lamina.
                       Treatment  of  flexor  and  extensor  tendon  lacera-

                       tions  iI1 the  metacarpal  or  metatarsal  region  that                                                                    In  the  mid  metacarpal-metatarsal                                                 region,  the

                        do not  involve the digital sheath  (Figure 9-1).  Care                                                                    cross  section  of the  flexor  and  extensor  tendons

                        of lacerations  involving the digital sheath  requires                                                                     varies from  flat to  circular  (Figure  9-3).

                       intensive  management  to  treat  synovial  structure

                       sepsis and  is discussed  elsewhere!"  (Figure  9-2).

                                                                                                                                                   ASSESSMENT AND SURGICAL PROCEDURES

                       EQUIPMENT                                                                                                                   Stabilization

                                                                                                                                                   A  brief  observation  of  the  laceration  and  limb
                       Cast material  and associated supplies  are essential.                                                                      position  is  made  and  the  need  for  immediate

                       Recommended  suture  materials  for tendon  repair                                                                          stabilization  is  determined.  Elevation  of the  toe

                       include  nylon,  polydiaxone,  and  coated  Kevlar                                                                          indicates  complete  deep  digital  :flexor  tendon

                        (FiberWire,  Arthex,  Naples,  Fla.).  Size No.  2  or                                                                     laceration  (Figure  9-4),  and  mild  to  moderate

                       larger  suture  material  is used.
                                                                                                                                                   dropping (hyperextension)  of the fetlock  suggests

                                                                                                                                                   superficial  digital  flexor  tendon  laceration  or

                                                                                                                                                   partial  disruption  of  the  s11spensory apparatus

                       POSITIONING AND PREPARATON                                                                                                  (Figure  9-5).  Severe hyperextension  of the fetlock

                                                                                                                                                   suggests  transection  or  complete  disruption  of

                       The  horse  is  positioned  in  lateral  recumbency                                                                         the  suspensory  apparatus  (Figure  9-6).  Buckling

                       with  the affected limb positioned  for access to the                                                                       forward  at  the  fetlock  or  difficulty  extending

                       laceration.  The  circumference  of the  limb  should                                                                       the  distal  limb  suggests  common  or  long  digital

                       be  clipped  and  prepared  aseptically from  at least                                                                      extensor  tendon  rupture  (Figure  9- 7).

                       the  fetlock to  the mid carpal/tarsal  region.                                                                                   The  need  for  stabilization  must  be  balanced

                                                                                                                                                   against  the  need  to  determine  the  extent  of  the

                                                                                                                                                   wound  and  to  offer  owners  who  have  economic

                       ANATOMY                                                                                                                     concerns  a  general  prognosis  before  proceeding

                                                                                                                                                   with  potentially  costly  procedures.  Examination

                       The  proximal  extent  of the  digital  tendon  sheath                                                                      of  the  injury  can  be  performed  with  the  limb

                       is in the  distal  third  of the metacarpal-metatarsal                                                                      held  up  before  stabilization  is applied,  but  often

                       region.  The  distal  end  of the sheath  lies just  prox-                                                                  a  detailed  examination  is  not  possible  until  the

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