Page 376 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 376
348 Index Perdix perdix (grey partridge) polar bear 28, 198, 280, 323 definition/uses/
terminology 251
37–38, 40
Pongo see orangutans
elephants 185
performances and shows
250, 251, 252, 253–255, position marine mammals 197
specific to each animal
258, 259, 262, 263, 264 in group training worldwide examples 255
definition/uses/ 331–332 pressure and injections
terminology 251 trainer’s awareness of 314 137–138
marine mammals 197 positive punishment 8, 9, 18, prey see predator
see also presentations 55, 56, 64, 184, 336 primates 211–220
personal attitudes (zoo elephants 277 food finding 90
professional) 315 group settings 329–330 health care/medical
personal protective equipment positive reinforcement 8, procedures 60, 122,
(PPE) 310, 317 56, 61, 64, 140, 211–212, 334
personal space 125–126 211–215, 336 learning 217–220
personality 219 author’s approach 63–64 positive reinforcement and
lifetime learning and 94 elephants 183, 184, welfare 211–215
shaping 44 184–185, 188 tool use 20–21, 26–27
Petroica australis (New group settings and 329 ventral clinging by
Zealand robins) 296 marine mammals 197, 200 infants 36
Philadelphia Zoo 106 primates 211–215 see also apes; monkeys
Philippines, legislation 321 safety and 318 problem‐solving 148,
Phoenix Zoo 239 visitor training and 258 227–228
physical cognition wild animals 17–18 complex 92–93
birds 236 Potmochoerusporcus (red river dolphins 204–205
elephants 192–193 hog) 146–147 reptiles 227–228, 228
physical condition (zoo prairie dogs, black‐tailed professional training
professional) 315 301–303 organisations
physical enrichment 106 predators (carnivores) 53, 62
physical functions, primates 289–290, 291–294, projection of future status
217–218 295–303 (zoo professional)
physical separation of effects of captivity 37–38 311, 312–314
individual (for training) recognition and avoidance prompts 128–129, 131
from group 327, 328 (antipredator behaviour) protected‐contact 184,
physical training skills 15–16, 37–38, 91–92, 323–324
314–315 295–303, 335 proximate causes/explanations
pig 109, 175 alarm calls 15, 24, 36, 91, (learning and
young (piglets) 85, 168 92, 124, 298, 299, 302 behaviour) 35, 336
pigeons 11, 235 social learning and 23, psychology, comparative 29
pinna 73, 74 24–25, 29, 301–302 public relations 62
pinnipeds 197, 203, 205, 206 reintroduction, capture/ see also visitors
place avoidance, conditioned hunting ability and punishment 7–9, 53–67
294, 335 40, 289–290 avoiding 140
planning, dolphins 205 Premack principle 109, 336 intensity 57–58
play 56, 86, 94 preoccupation (zoo as last resort 62–63, 64
marine mammals 200 professional) 313 misuse of common
see also toys presentations (incl. definitions 58
Pleasure Wood Hills (UK) 264 demonstrations) negative 9, 18, 55, 64,
Poecilia reticulata (guppies) 250–268 66, 336
90, 243, 244 assessing efficacy 263 poorly timed 56–57