Page 379 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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Index  351  speed of behavioural     stress (zoo professionals)     thigmotaxis  47
                                                                   Thorndike, Edward  4, 4–5,
                                                                        7, 8, 53
                   62, 129–130
             sperm whales  69           structured learning  93, 94  tigers  120, 130, 156, 176,
                                        subconscious (trainer’s)  314
             squirrel monkeys  29, 87   suffering, capacity  273        313, 327, 334
             staff (employees and team   Suricata suricatta (meerkat)     timber industry, elephants
                   members)                  24, 91, 92, 172–173, 290   187–188
               assessment  144–146      survival                   time (in training)
               coaching  155              behaviours (learned)  36–38  commitment  149
               consistency  155–156         lost in captivity  37–41  limitations  157
               expert  126, 139–140, 156  predator training prior to   aquatics  239
               grabbing by animal see        release into the wild   see also speed of behavioural
                   grabbing                  and its effects on         acquisition; temporal
               health and safety see safety  297–298                    cognition
               responsibilities  310–311  sympathetic nervous system   timing of behavioural
                 for behaviour  140          (trainer’s)  314           consequences
               see also people; team    syntactic ability  204, 337     56–57
             stationing (station training)                         Tinbergen, N.  35, 36, 167
                   135–136, 337, 354    t                          tool use (animal)  20–21,
               group setting  328, 329,   Tachyglossus aculeatus        26–27, 193
                   331–332                   (echidna)  89          birds  236–237
             stereotypies  183, 280,    tactile sensation see touch  elephants  193
                   281, 337             tamarins, cotton‐top  173   primates  20–21, 26–27
               learning opportunity     taming, elephant  188–189  tool use (trainer)  314–315
                   effects  46–47       tapir, Malayan  163–164    tortoises  221, 223, 224
             stimulation, visitors as source   target training  125, 134–135  touch
                   of  174                name targets  332         injections and trainer
             stimulus (stimuli)  337      station training vs  135      touching animal  137
               aversive see aversive stimuli   Taronga Zoo  258, 259,   sensation (tactile
                   and conditioning          264, 264                   sensation)  109
               bridging  126, 127, 128, 135,   taste (gustation)  110  marine mammals
                   136, 156, 157, 322, 323  conditioned aversion  92,   199, 203
               conditioned  6, 16, 335       292–293, 335          toys (pool)  283
                 return to the wild and     marine mammals  204     see also play
                   296, 297             team                       training (basic references)
               control  19, 131, 337      identifying philosophy and    53–67
               discriminative  19, 335       expectations  150–153  active see active training
               local enhancement and  23  leadership skills and styles     aquatic/marine species
               neutral  5, 6                  65, 146, 147            fish  239–242
               novel/new  101–102,        members see staff           mammals  197–201
                   107, 110               successful, creating      behaviours specific to
               unconditioned  6, 337         146–147                    134–139
             stingrays  21, 27          telos  272, 273             birds  231–237
             stones, use of  20–21, 21, 174  temporal cognition, birds     choosing the right method
             stress (animals)  273           235–236                    53–67
               fish  245                terminology, formal list      making an informed
               learning opportunity effects    creating  154            choice  58–61
                   46–47                  in this text  335–337     education and see education
               reproduction and  334    theory of mind  236, 337    elephants  183–186
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