Page 9 - The Toxicology of Fishes
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viii                                                       The Toxicology of Fishes

                       9   Toxic Responses of the Fish Nervous System ..............................................417
                           Steven P. Bradbury, Richard W. Carlson, Tala R. Henry,
                           Stephanie Padilla, and John Cowden

                       10  The Endocrine System .....................................................................................457
                           Peter Thomas

                       11  The Immune System of Fish: A Target Organ of Toxicity ..........................489
                           Erik Carlson and Judith T. Zelikoff

                       12  Chemical Carcinogenesis in Fishes................................................................531
                           Jeanette M. Rotchell, Michael R. Miller, David E. Hinton,
                           Richard T. Di Giulio, and Gary K. Ostrander

                       13  Toxicity Resistance ...........................................................................................597
                           Peter A. Van Veld and Diane E. Nacci

                       Unit III. Methodologies and Applications

                       14  Exposure Assessment and Modeling in the Aquatic Environment ...........645
                           Donald Mackay and Lynne Milford

                       15  Fish Toxicity Studies........................................................................................659
                           Gary M. Rand

                       16  Biomarkers ........................................................................................................683
                           Daniel Schlenk, Richard Handy, Scott Steinert,
                           Michael H. Depledge, and William Benson

                       17  Aquatic Ecosystems for Ecotoxicological Research:
                           Considerations in Design Analysis for Fish.................................................733
                           Thomas W. La Point, James H. Kennedy, Jacob K. Stanley, and Pinar Balci

                       18  Ecological Risk Assessment ............................................................................757
                           David R. Mount and Tala R. Henry

                       Unit IV. Case Studies

                       19  Mining Impacts on Fish in the Clark Fork River, Montana:
                           A Field Ecotoxicology Case Study .................................................................779
                           Samuel N. Luoma, Johnnie N. Moore, Aïda Farag,
                           Tracy H. Hillman, Daniel J. Cain, and Michelle Hornberger

                       20  Toxicology of Synthetic Pyrethroid Insecticides in Fish: A Case Study .....805
                           Joel R. Coats
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